Big Reds Custom Batteries + Boards.

Sorry to derail, but same! Can’t wait to see how yours comes out!

I think 15s is a great option for a kaly

It makes the battery so much easier to build and the only thing you are giving up over going 18s is some realistically unusable speed at the top end

You will also get more range with a 15s8p over as 18s5p. However you will have to top mount your stormcore

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I don’t like the look… that also adds expense to the build. And who says that top end will be un used? I also already have the battery build planned.

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No such thing as derail on my threads… only beautiful ideas. :joy:

I mean I’ve only gon through like 5 or 6 18s builds so far but what do I know :laughing:

Top end is likely going to be unsure very seldom, and with your track record I don’t recommend you go that fast, mister shoulder pain

Also nothing against KALY, but prolly not the best deck for 18s type of speeds


What are your deck suggestions since you have 5-6 under your belt? @Skyart

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Evo, century, lacroix Naz. Anything that fits a double stack 12s8p will bit an 18s5p the reason I don’t recommend it for KALY is because the enclosure and deck are flexible, it’s kind of hard to make everything as safe as it needs to be with that kind of layout for 18s5p those pockets although it doesn’t seem like they would, they complicate things quite a bit.

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Hmmm I don’t want to top mount anything. I will put some more thought into this. Also injuries heal…


Well if anyone needs an 18s battery let me know haha I have a bms on hand for it.


Today’s prices p26a 9 dollars/ p42a 11 dollars per cell + 55 smart bms. + 40 shipping us only.

So if i want a 100s1p flex pack pricing remains the same? :crazy_face:


For you Al anything… anyone else can fuck off. Haha nobody in our industry would be asking for such outlandish things though… I’ll even ship it to you for the 40.


Wtf do you need 420v for? Just smoke a blunt man and stop with the bombs…


Also totally open to trading parts for batteries.


New found respect for you man.


Shit, $11 a cell is cheap? I really need to start charging more :joy:


After my battery please sir!


Eh, it’s whatever honestly. I’m trying to get out of the custom battery game anyway. If this new thing I’m doing picks up the way I hope, then I wont have time for custom batteries. And if I do take one on, it’ll be for probably double what I charge now (now that I know that I am charging less than “cheap cheap cheap” :joy:).


For what I paid for the cells that is still cheaper than your per cell rate… iirc. 11 dollar on p42a is the total build… and all prices are subject to change due to cell price fluctuations.

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Not trying to undercut you… you have way more experience than I do…

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