Best Electric Skateboard Wheels?



I have roughly same thought, but just wondering how long will they last on bricks lol


I’ve got 83mm flywheels from them

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Those look exactally like the orangutans kegals just with those tread things

That’s exactly what it is, they modify those wheels and sells them


Not the same, I am almost positive those are china-thane.

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Probably, they are like 25 bucks or smth on sale

haha thats why

Good for you.
Like @b264 I was worried you ordered the piece of shit diyeboards kit.

But you did good.
It may be hard to swallow but you should go ahead and send TB more money and get the 110s. I have the 74a and they are awesome.

If you want a low ride blue Caguamas are magical.

But it is nice with an eSk8 to have giant wheels.


You did good


I went with the orange ones… I know… most generic board possible. Loaded Vanguard, orange wheels

I feel the light blue gets dirty and I already have clear blue wheels from TB coming (83mm)

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110mm TB wheels but in ice blue because it just looks sick!

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yeah the ice/clear blue looks sick

Well it seems most say TB 110mm wheels.
I say, if you want more of a actual downhill wheel go with ABEC11 and you
can go up pretty high in mm.

The ABEC11’s will last and not chunk while staying soft.
I slide on mine and hit 30mph+ all the time.
ABEC11 do not chunk and well are just a great ride imo.
Also they are a little thinner, not so much you are on rails but this makes
them a little lighter no matter what mm you choose.

The TB 110mm wheels are heavy AF, they also have a huge contact patch. So they are also extra wide. None of this is needed imo and makes me hate them out the gate. At high speeds it seems TB 110mm wheels wobble and when the wheel weights as much as an elephant you can really
feel that wobble start to happen. I personally not a fan of the TB 110mm.


I still don’t get the orange wheels thing, I know it was boosted who started this colour trend (is it?) but at least give people other options too, I want to see some pink / yellow / brown…etc wheels.

no, im not gonna run over some poop just to get the brown colour


it’s loaded brand with the orange, and the color is to rep the duro.
so not really an option as much as a statement in how Hard or Soft you ride, imo.

Edit: bushing are kinda the same. most rep the duro and not really a color option for that duro.


its sad that if we want specific duro item, we are stuck with that colour. sometimes colours doesn’t match well together :sob:


Wait when did you wobble on these ?!?



Around the same time I started making the shields and such.
This is how I found ABEC11. I wanted to push the boosted faster and faster.
I tried the TB 110mm and well hated many parts of them.
Weight, Contact Patch, Wobble, Chunks from sliding when the ABEC11’s just hold up and
don’t have any of the above issue or personal preferences I have.