May 29, 2023, 7:14am
Which version of the ubox do you have? Spintend has a guide: Ubox series product and Firmware Warning! – Spintend
There’s a very high chance your spintend will catch on fire if you don’t have the right firmware. At the end of the spintend guide, they give you the downloads.
Also, if you’re looking for older versions of VESCtool:
Since each build of the VESC Tool is compatible with only a few particular versions of the VESC Firmware, every now and then we find ourselves searching around for a place to download a precompiled executable of one of the older versions. When faced with this situation you either have to find it by googling, ask around on the forum, or download the source code and compile it yourself. All of these take time and can turn a simple task into a real pain. To remedy this, we have decided to crowdsou…
This thread aims at describing how VESC-Tool interacts with older FW and where to find a specific FW release.
Many users believe that using an older FW requires to use an older VESC-Tool version. This was the case many years ago and for many reasons Vedder decided to make VESC-Tool compatible with older versions of VESC firmware to avoid the need to store multiple software versions of VESC-Tool.
The task was not an easy one! Since VESC-Tool offers features and settings that might not be suppor…