Beginner Question Thread! 2023 Edition

are external BMS’ possible? I get you need a wire to every group, but could you use a multi pin type of charging port to make that connection when plugged in since BMS’ are mostly used for charging only?

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Yes, you can absolutely do that, but you might be forfeiting water resistance.

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I’ve got an LLT BMS for my pack and I’m using overkill solar at the moment, I noticed that it seems there’s no value set for my “cell 100% cap voltage” should that be changed to 4200mv (or more likely 4150mv to preserve cell life) and could it possibly be the reason that my app seems to believe that 48v is 100% charged?

How many belts is a normal / reasonable amount to order at once? I was thinking 4 that way there are two extras but should I just order more since they’re cheap and shipping will cost more than the belts probably :thinking: Found some good looking HTD 320-5M at 15 mm wide for only $2 a piece vs the same exact belt from Amazon but for $8.55 a piece

1 until you verify it fits

Then 4

But you will ignore the first part and order 4 anyway, and have a bunch of wrong sized ones

We all do it :crazy_face:

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Cut a belt in half lengthwise, then do this, and count how many teeth you need

This was my current plan:

I know for sure that 310 is too small and that 345 is too big. I didn’t determine the belt length as I don’t have the board yet.

The only shipping option is $37 though :weary: might want to look for another site but if not then I’d rather have more belts than I need so maybe I can sell them for like $1 + shipping on here if anyone else needs that belt size. I just can’t justify $8 a belt without fast prime shipping when they should be cheaper

(The 270 is just so I can have 4 spares for my other belt drive)

my case is unfair, but since i have access to taobao, i just buy all the size from 270 to 400 4x :rofl: fuck finding the best belt size when the next one up or down also works

There are methods to buy from there and to get it shipped to the US but that adds extra fees and long shipping times. :weary: I’m trying to order them now before the board is shipped so everything is ready when it comes and I can finally get to upgrading my current board before my work picks back up after the holidays.

I’m pretty sure the site with them at $2 are shipping them from China but they only allow you to select UPS/FedEx shipping which are both more pricey. If they had an option for DHL packet mail (so not a box just a plastic envelope) it would be a reasonable shipping cost AND still be fast. No idea why they don’t want to use DHL though

If you know this, then take the 345, cut it, and figure out what size you need on the first try.

I don’t have the board yet. The size needed was given to me by the seller who still has it. I am inpatient and want to be able to use it when it arrives. I will gladly pay an extra $4-$8 for the sake of not needing to wait more

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Ah, this is usually a strategy that will disappoint you.

Buy a Hoyt board to ride while you finish your DIY.

limitation on SE asia side, DHL don’t allow non documents item in those bubble envelope thingy

My board is finished though? At least until the dying hub motor finally decides to fully die on me.

Well apparently they don’t bother to check them well enough as I’ve received two separate shipments from China that way :rofl: both from the same company.

Thankfully I found a company selling the belts within the US without the huge markup. I’ll consider only doubling the belt cost as a reasonable price. I’ll double check the total cost but it should be cheaper than the place with $37 shipping

Continuing the discussion from Noob question thread! 2020_Summer:

This still the case?

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I’m having issues mapping my puck to Makerx DV6 VESC. A pop up keeps saying that my firmware is old. I tried using Jaykup 5.03 firmware with no result. Any ideas?

What is your vesc tool version? It might have to match with the firmware version

Vesc tool is 5.0. Firmware is 5.03

I mean 6.0 for Vesc tool

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Keep trying, sometimes it gives in.

If it doesn’t then use the tool that comes stock with the 5.03fw

@Trampa this bug is still not fixed.

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