Beginner Question Thread! 2023 Edition

I have a Stormcore 60D+ which is a dual motor VESC.

I want each motor to have 25A, for a total of 50A.
motor 1 = 25A
motor 2 = 25A
the total of both would be 50A

when in the VESC tool, do I plug in 25A or 50A?
see the attached picture so this makes more sense.
Ignore values already on the screenshot, they are not final values and were there when I downloaded the software.

Vesc tool is ALWAYS per side.

So you need to set that motor to your desired settings and then connect to the other side of the controller and do the settings again there.

Be sure to actually write the settings.

Push the scan can button to see both sides of the esc

Push the write motor settings button to write the settings to the esc

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This is also ambiguous, because motor current and battery current are very different things.

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Anyone know the steering angle on regular independent skateboard trucks?

What are cheap drive options for trampa cnc trucks. Where can i buy some motor mounts for belt drive that arent trampas? What other mounts besides the obvious fit these trucks?


All those college folks on a budget that want to know how to build a skate for low amount of money, your answer is in here


Any help here, I must be doing something dumb…

Post screenshots of all your settings


Yeah we’re going to need some settings, although have you tried calibrating your remote? It almost sounds like there’s barely any travel registering on the negative side.

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Yeah I’ll post as soon as I can. But that’s certainly an interesting thought, I did run the input wizard beforehand and it does move forward…

I think these are all the settings I’ve touched.

Ok don’t know what changed today it’s decided it’ll work, including smart reverse…


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Ok braking is still super weak I thought if I got smart reverse working it’d be better but no. When I reverse then go forward it’s immediate and strong. But the other way around not so much

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If using a pwm remote try -104% on you’re negative throttle.

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Didn’t help feels the same :confused:

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no clue, although I did notice when I went back from the D75 to the DV6 on the same board, same setup, same specs, same configs, same FW version, and the brakes on the DV6 seem far, far stronger than the D75.

I don’t want to assume so, but it seems like it’s to do with the DXX series specifically, idk if anyone else has had a similar experience.

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That part of smart reverse is annoying. It works great, but if you let off the reverse, then apply it again it will first stop before going backwards again, rather than keeping the current reverse speed. Once you get used to it, it works OK

As for the weak brakes, the settings look pretty decent. You could try -80 on the motors, even for 6355s. What was the default detection results? Is this set on both sides?

Is the duty cycle limit intentionally lowered to limit top speed?

Do you have a screenshot of the mapping tab? Maybe the settings from the input wizard were not saved?

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Yes, I made sure to apply settings for both sides. I think detection was around the 60ish mark. Good to know I’ll try -80 as well for these motors. I think I did try something ridiculous like 100, but let me try again.


I’ll send a screenshot when I get the chance, but I’ve run the wizard multiple times now making sure to apply the settings.

In a last ditch effort I may reflash the 5.3 firmware with the default one in the VESC tool. Just gotta remember to keep phase filters off…

Why do you need reverse on a esk8?

Sometimes front wheel drive is better?

You are stuck in a very narrow space and need to back out?
