BeastOn | 11S7P PF | TB6 | CarvOn V4SD-XL 2WD

Good thing that’s 14AWG hehe :yum:

@magharees the FET side is silicone potted, all of it is conformal coated and additional silicone on top of components on the topside of the PCB


it lives :grin:


Wut mr30 for

charge port hehe

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Huh. Are you using the third for anything special?

lol no, it’s just small and convenient

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What kinda amps do you guys push through the mr60s? I thought they could only take 30ish amps each

30A per pin iirc

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So 90a per!? wow.

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I avoided them cause I thought it was 30a total. Went out of the way and designed some myself with bullet connects for 100a… each… so 300 amps now that I think about it!

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also keep in mind it’s 3 phase connection so it’s not the same current flowing through each pin at the same time like a battery


Yeah I’m still confused :grimacing: about how to configure my motor amps based on my battery, current, wattage of motor, etc

This should cover everything


Wait so If I am running 110a motor amps and 60a battery it will work and not burn up? (I wont pull over 90a cause im light)

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in theory yes, but what motor do you have that does 110A?


@Scepterr thanks for the link!

Mr 100 pound speed demon deeif over here.
‘Youngest esk8 rider’ how old r you then? At that weight your in what… 6th grade?
(Not tryin to be creeps, it’s just impressive and my interest is peaked)


Thanks @Scepterr
6396 170kv… I just meant in theory lol

13, 108 pounds, 5’5… 7th grade…

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well in theory if you have a motor that size(110A capable) you will need more batt amps for it to move you or HV


ur boi just turned 16 but u hold up to your title.
How the hell u finance this?


Why would you use a magnetic charge port over a regular charge port?
You got a habit of riding off while chargin?