BarrelMakerOne - ChooChoo. Unity. 12s3p. TBDD. Haggys+BowerySurf+TB110

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Welcome to Derail Jail

This could take some time; don’t wait for me! :slight_smile:


Hey can I ask what charge port you used i chase a battery on the way and im worried my charge port won’t work with those x plates

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we need more update of this great setp mate !! :wink: :+1: hope you still enjoy and ride it !


Hi! Sorry for the late reply, I’m a little bit bussy lately…

It’s the electricboardsolutions one:

I still riding it, actually I change the drive train to a 3DServisas one.

I’m driving the TBDD on a LANDYACHTZ Evo 36 Falcon and itś great also!


Thanks I had to open up my x plate a little to get it to work

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