(AU) Help me find a pre-made board

Psychotiller is extremely busy a lot of the time. It is pretty common to see people here ‘looking’ for him because he doesnt respond to emails regularly… just a heads up.

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But I have to say, that’s pretty amazing for the money. So agree that is another great option.


Its a great board for the money.

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If the secondhand psychotiller doesn’t work out, I think the S2 will be my next choice. Once you upgrade the S2 to be as similar to the psychotiller as possible (battery, escs, and motors), it’s an extra 50% (3865AUD vs 2500AUD) how much shipping affects this difference may make me change my mind, but it’s a pretty big difference.

I was honestly thinking I’d end up with a Baja S2, but that psychotiller seems too cheap to pass up. It would also give me an easier path to upgrading, and I wouldn’t lose as much on the resale, since it’s already at a great discount.

We’ll see how the shipping from USA works out.


It definitely is a better board to build from :+1: not a lot you can do with Baja except add proprietary stuff

Yes, and to your earlier point, there’s an excellent chance you’ll end up with more than one board.




Other wise if you are still looking at LaCroix i just saw this on builders.


The website needs updating, but also I don’t build boards then sell them. I build customs on commission, which means it would be impossible to find what you want on my site because it hasn’t been built yet since you haven’t told me what you want yet. lol


i can probably build something AT close to that price range but the price will not include shipping to Australia, and you’re looking at probably around 550 watt hours in a 12S4P. Yes I can ship to Australia directly, ready to ride.



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If you’re not already in the Facebook groups for the Australian Esk8 community, I definitely recommend joining.

There are several dozen builders in the Sydney group alone. Plenty of local battery builders, too.

By negating the cost of shipping batteries by air, you can save a pretty penny. A few of these builders would be able to get you a very decent AT board for your budget. By going this route, much like LHB, you have your say of the specific components, aesthetic and access to local (Aussie) support if anything goes awry.

Food for thought, my man. :slight_smile:


Also, any chance of helping us build a regional thread showcasing these guys? Something along the lines of “Australia Builders Resource.” It would, of course, feature links to the Facebook page you mentioned and any other groups in that area. I’ve seen a number of guys in that part of the world come into our forums and not know how to find help.

Thanks for the good info either way.

If I was riding trails with tree roots I would be looking at something like this then sourcing a battery locally?

It’s been mentioned, but I also think you should talk to @longhairedboy or buy that used Psychotiller board before someone else does.

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It’s gone. But yes, Damon build would be many Christmases stacked on top of each other and a slice of pie to boot.

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This kills the budget. I am at $5100 AUD and counting (still have the customs to go) after pulling the trigger on a spur-drive complete and a 12s7p pack just last week.

Checks email for shipping update, looks out window.gif

If there was ever a sexier non commercial, commercial sentence, this is it. Dude making you feel like you’re ordering a freaking Rauh Welt Porsche.