Correct, I stored it at 60% and then checked it today and plugged it in for a charge to see what it would charge to when posting this thread.
I have left the battery turned on for over an hour for the battery meter to stabilize (it moves around a little) and then used multimeter to get actual voltage.
Sitting at 48V (Bat meter says 88% - don’t trust battery meters), which I guess is should actually read 95%. 4.2V * 12 = 50.4V
As you discharge a battery, the voltage doesn’t drop linearly or all the way to zero so a linear 95% of the voltage is definitely not 95% of the capacity. Instead of the range being 0-50.4v it’s like 36-50.4. If anything, the 88% is pretty ambitious
And just as an FYI, pack wear/age/condition is usually measured by how much of its original capacity you can get out of it by discharging 50.4-36. If the pack doesn’t make it to full charge (or at least fairly close) it’s an indicator of not-good. Not qualified enough to say what level of charge corresponds to what level of wear, take my contribution with a pinch of salt
I would be guessing at this stage - the battery percentage would never sit at 100%, even when I bought it new, it was normally around 98%, but I had read so much about battery meters not being accurate that I did not worry too much.
My last ride with it was normal distance and I didn’t notice anything specifically wrong, but given that it has sat with ~60% charge for 12 months I’d say it could easily have just deteriorated over that time.
I had a hell of a good time on that board for 6 months though doing big distances and mad speeds of 70km/h+, so I’m not too bothered but would have been nice to get something for it rather than binning it!