Are you a top speed guy or an acceleration guy?

Ya I agree I love knowing I have a ton of torque left when I’m already going 25mph or so! Especially when you are going up hill like it ain’t no thing. It’s funny watching people look at you launching up a steep hill and still accelerating.


I’ll vote acceleration for a motorised thing but the feeling you get at higher than reasonable speed makes you feel alive!

So let’s say an acceleration hard enough to pull at any speed up to the top.

If I have speed I want the torque and acceleration to back it up. No point in topping out at 40 if it takes half a mile to get there, plus you gotta stop at some point and I’d like strong brakes.


I need both

I run 4wd 190kv 6374 with with 18/32 pulleys on 110mm wheels with a s12s8p.

I run 160 battery amps and 440 motor amps

I have both and I suspect very few boards are faster than mine even with my fat ass on it.

I used to run 6 shooters with 18/42 gears and i was able to go up very very steep grassy hill.

With great power comes great accidents. Having a motor cut out when you are countering all that torque is not good


Agree bro :smiley: that is what sparks this question in my mind, why ppl want their board to travel so fast (like >50kph) :thinking:

When I first started tuning the VESC, for some reason my brakes is like crazy strong, it will lock up the wheels if I brake like 1/4 on the remote but now its all good :smiley:

I assume 440a divide by 4 = 110a each motor?

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Yes all numbers divided by 4.

4x the braking power gives you so much confidence.

I originally ran 4 focboxes now I run a dual Unity.

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50kph isnt all that fast I hit those speeds just about every time I ride. For me I’ve been trying to go for 50mph but my balls arnt big enough, above 40mph gets scary.


I’m more of laid back rider. I have my BT speaker on blast and just cruise. I get More enjoyment from it. Plus health care ain’t cheap when you take a fall. Lol!!!


Speed doesn’t scare me, Acceleration does.

on a analog deck 40 feels a lot slower to me then 40 on a Eboard.


After the crash and tore my knee. I become a very defensive rider. My only advice new in esk8 speed isn’t everything! Let go your ego and swallow your pride. Bottom line: Have Fun and Be safe! If someone, call you a pussy because you ride like a oldman 10mph. Well… it’s better breaking alot of bones or


Agree mate :slight_smile:

Riding safely and enjoy the flow is the more important part of esk8 instead of wrecking oneself just because of peer pressure :+1:


Yeah, there shouldn’t be any peer pressure to go fast but I have to acknowledge that some people probably do feel it. Since I’ve started eboarding I’ve slowed down a lot riding more defensively, but maybe that’s just cause I’m older than I was compared to when I was bombing mountains at 60mph analog.

What scares me the most is when I see people feeling that pressure, going faster than they are comfortable doing, and not properly geared for the speed they are riding at. People riding without helmets, that goes without comment… But people riding without gloves, let alone slide gloves… No kneepads, and seeing them go down really hurts knowing all those nasty gashes and breaks will take weeks to months to heal, that they could have gotten right back up unscathed had they just stayed at a speed comfortable for them and worn better safety gear.

I’ve taken enough falls and know that each time I wouldn’t have gotten up and kept riding had it not been for one piece of gear or another… Mostly shoes, kneepads and slide gloves really, but helmet in extreme cases too.


curiosity forces me to ask… what exactly is “analog”?

Non-powered board.