They are cheap, so they’re probably shit, but they’re cheap like me so…
Anyone ever buy one, are there any tear down photos floating around?
They are cheap, so they’re probably shit, but they’re cheap like me so…
Anyone ever buy one, are there any tear down photos floating around?
I’ve bough a few, not great quality, these are bottom of the barrel. The ones I received came with chipped magnets, no trace of any battle hardening and over all did not inspire confidence.
You get what you pay for. I have four of their motors, and one of them popped a loose retaining ring. For a budget build, they’re fine. The 63100 are battle hardened and are decent motors
I don’t think they’re very good at all. I would avoid them. I’ve had nothing but problems with them.
The cheapest good motors right now seem to be the Boardnamics 6384 and the Flipksy 6384
Boardnamics 6384 are the Flipsky motors, just rebranded. Same with the Apex motors. They’re all Flipsky Battle Hardened 6384.
I’ve used those ubiquitous 6374 170kv Ali motors a bunch, and they work okay, but they don’t detect well at all and are pretty much consumables.
I’ve had a lot of problems with the freerchobby can rotating on the shaft, or the shaft pulling out of the can.
I’ve tried sourcing something different but the FS6384 really are the best well rounded motors. There’s better and worse motors for more and less money respectively.
It’s the whole battle hardened FS series built the same or are the 6384s special?
I think they’re just a really good compromise between power, weight and cost
I think the 63100 is a bit easier to break and very few can overheat 6384s.
This is a bit off topic, but how do the lacroix motors compare to the flipsky 6384s? Are they battle hardened? The price difference is not all that big.
Oh good, my TB6374s were getting uncomfortably toasty
I think LaCroix might use Maytech “sealed” motors. The only issues I’ve had with those are the cans slipping on the shafts.
IMHO they are much better than freerchobby motors, but not as good as Boardnamics/Flipsky/Apex motors.
I don’t know if they’re battle hardened.
The 63 series was by maytech yes. But they only have a few 190kv left. After that it’s a full transfer to 65110
Got 200 miles out of ones on a pneumatic build. Little longer on a thane build. All 60ish amps which was too much. They’re junk.
I’d say it’s hit or miss. My 130kv run 90a per motor and they’re still running strong after 840km