Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

just remember as a temporary test.

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And as usual, Mike forgets to mention that he’s riding R2 hubs. Try different motors, I am 99% sure its the motors

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His claim is that it was working before he swapped remotes. ( and subsequently scrambled the settings is my assumption)

I’m guessing if we can prove his throttling is the hubs. we can assume the previous settings allowed them to get hot AF without throttling.

or it’s something else…

I fukkin found it !
“The internal thermistors line up with the default thermistor values expected with 3.xx vesc FW, and I recommend running motor temp limits of 85 C min and 140 max. My testing has shown that with these limits somewhere around 110C the motor current is reduced sufficiently that the motors never exceed 110 while remaining rideable over everything but the steepest of hills. You’re unlikely to ever reach these temps in anything except the worst case scenarios. Really should have some data plots to show you guys, I’ll do better in the future.” Source

now is there a way to set my own throttling defaults like a curve ?

because he says in the post people with old motors had isses with heat because no one would set a curve, what do you guys think ?

   thinkin 15% at 85c and 30% at 105c

that happens with wheels pulley with those bolts

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We don’t talk about that place here

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Too late. MikEEE found the fraud forum.


To anyone wondering how wide braided sleeve can be:

Easily double the flat width. A 12mm one fits all 3 phase wires and sensors with no effort




After shower, calm down. I’m probably not dying


motor temp cutoff start / end is basically a throttling gradient. 0% at temp cutoff start. 100% and fault at motor temp cutoff end.

The advice you quoted from that thread seems to be just run things hotter. sounds sketch.

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So much this. I had to file mine down.

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So completely normal?

so got some loctite 243 on my motor bolts

trying to remove motor from mounts
whats the best way


Use a hex key, preferably a Wera Hex Plus, and don’t strip them. Turn counterclockwise to loosen and clockwise to tighten.


soldering iron to the bolt then unscrew.
by the time it falls to the ground it would have cooled down i promise



sadly they are already stripped so its gonna be a hell of a time trying to put them in
phillips head though

in that case i’d just use a cnc laser to disintegrate the bolt
@Bavioze has one i think


the tool wont let me even set it passed 120 cut off