Archived: the OG noob question thread! šŸ˜€

That is strange for sureā€¦ You said you tried 2 remotes but did you switch out the receiver? I feel like either something is wrong with your setup or somethingā€™s defectiveā€¦ Bioboards uses the vx1 on their high power stuff and if all the vx1s did that, youā€™d think a lot of people would be faceplantingā€¦

One of my receivers came DOA, only have 1. Setup works fine with Nyko kamas, mini remotes and I have the same problem UART/PPM with both VX1s, Ill film a video really quickly tonight to show how bad it is. I wish it worked, i love the form factor but its just awful to ride.

I wonder if your other receiver also has issues. Interestingly, no problems on throttle? May be a bad suggestion but what if you reversed throttle and brake? Does it still do the same or does the problem reverse tooā€¦

0 problems on throttle, really smooth acceleration. Havent tried reversing throttle but will try that tonight.

ok removed these and replaced

, installed new remote mini with new receiver, relocated receiver to the front of my board, also turned off thermal throttling. Went for a ride and no micro braking/cutouts


@Athrx where in the uk are you?

Just out of interest and wondering if your anywhere near me

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Awesome result! So you couldnā€™t narrow it down to just one thing, or decided the holistic approach is fastest to a solution?

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Are those audio cable connectors? The tips are rather short?


Iā€™ll have to check my amazon ordersā€¦I donā€™t think they are. that would be craaaaazy if they are. Now that you mention itā€¦the tip does seem sorta short.

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those were the only things i did not replace/double check.

My vx1 is smooth with breaking (ver. 3.** Firmware)
MakerX CHesc

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London, you?

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Same in London


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What chargers do you guys use for grading of individual li-on cells before building the pack?
I found XTAR VC8 close to my needs but it does grading(charge-discharge) only on first 4 channels not all 8ā€¦

@Athrx Iā€™m in nw11

You anywhere near me?

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I used to top balance all my cells it my 4 littokala 500s
But with new cells I find a multimedia is enough to make sure there are no duds. after building the P groups I Ballance capacity test 6 groups at a time with my imax b6 plus.

are those vacuum formed?

I have one it looks like 3mm kynex sheet I think they oven bake them like fish fingers.

those enclosures
they look like they are

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I canā€™t find 500s on amazon.
What about lii500?