Or you could put it on an esk8 dyno and strap a weight to it to simulate a real ride.
You need to simulate air resistance not weight. At 100mph you have more issues than power. Whereas it takes 5000-6000 watts sustained to maintain 60ish mph, you need a whopping continuous 25,000 watts minimum to maintain 100mph, realistically more, a lot more, for acceleration. Then you have the issue of traction too.
Ok ok, so we go to space first is what I’m hearing
The fastest spacecraft went something like a quarter million mph… So yeah, it helps a lot…
Well with that thinking I could throw a penny board in a car, stand on it while someone drives down the road at 100 and claim that I’ve gone 100mph standing on said penny board.
You’re technically not wrong.
neither are you
Ok double checking my double check. I think these look good. Anybody see something that may cause micro braking/cutouts. Solder job not mine…production job
They look well saturated… Looks fine to me…
Throw 4x 70120 480kv motors on some thick/wide trucks and push 600A out of a big 100C 18S lipo pack through 4x 75/300 VESCs. Find some gokart tires for the rated speed. buckle up.
Fingers crossed one of @MoeStooge’s riders will build this. Or he’ll sell me a custom xtra wide set of his 3-links and I’ll do it.
doubledit: oh shit, this is the noobs thread!
first rule of the one hundred and twenty kilowatt club is we don’t make it easy for noobs to get into the one hundred and twenty kilowatt club
just kidding, maybe not
Good question, from personal experience most RC ESCs have brutal power delivery, not made for human reaction time if you’re on top of the vehicle.
If you want to go this route, copy what @MoeStooge is doing with the Castle Creations Mamba XLX ESCs, since they’ve done the hard yards and know what works. The Mamba will at least give you the adjustability you need.
But also ask yourself, they’re the fastest boys on the block, why haven’t they attempted all this cock-measuring top speed sillyness?
It’s absolutely doable. But that is one purpose built machine with a very committed rider… I was just pointing out that nobody’s gonna build one of those “for fun”
You underestimate what an unstable individual with an extra 4k laying around is capable of “for fun”.
True, but 4k may be an underestimate here… To hit 100mph and survive I would estimate 8-10k budget for both R&D and prototype parts…
I would probably not even consider any vesc controllers, if I was build this, I would be looking at motorcycle type ESCs like Kelly controllers, running 120+ volts @ 400A peaks. Probably a huge stack of nanotech lipos, motorcycle chain drive or equivelent, and definitely go-kart tires…
if noob reader’s estate sues all of us for being vicariously liable for the outcome, i’m going to end up living in my car with my kids, won’t i?
my phone keeps autocorrecting noob to boob
eh, I disagree. If someone was able to hit 90mph on a board w/o motors, I think pushing a esk8 to 100 is mostly about balance and stability (and balls, forgot about balls), which is manageable without thousands of dollars of R&D.
The cheapest way might still be just standing on a shifter kart.
I had similar problem with new vesc 4.03 fw: Noob question thread! 😀 ask your questions here!
Motor temperature readings were all over the place and that caused ‘thermal throttling’ and micro cut outs. Check temperature sensors in your motors. Or try to ride sensorless first.
I guess the better question is, is this a one-off thing or repeatable/sustainable? To build a board that will simply accelerate to 100mph could be cheap… To build a board that can accelerate AND hold 100mph sustained without bucking it’s rider over terrain is a whole nother thing…
So are we talking about a single 100mph target down a runway, or holding 100mph down the freeway passing cars?
lol, definitely not the latter. Drag race/top speed, race build at best.