Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

i did run shorter belts and removed the idler. I don’t remember if i liked it more or not, i definitely felt more vulnerable with them. Once they broke i switched back to idlers. The sound isn’t/wasn’t always there. At a certain speed it goes away (the same sound as with the braking sound) Honestly, i can’t tell you if that sound was there as well.

yeah i’ve heard a thing or two about that myth.


Thats a really strange one, my board becomes quieter than wind speed at about 25kmh so the fact you have all these noises coming from the belt specifically really make me ponder. You have a crossbar so the mounts are obviously straight, I can see the wheels clear the bearing for sure, I think it has to be a bad pulley somewhere, maybe your motor pulley slipping?

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I bumped your account, so you can paste link now. I think the Koowheel used a Hobbywing ESC. Link or photos would help. Oh, and welcome!


Time for a real Noob question:
If I want to use a davega (which is connected other UART) AND a remote reading data too, so needing UART Connection too (RX, TX)
How do I do that?
Is it even possible?

Zahnriemen Verschleißbilder / StörungsfĂ€lle

sorry guys, i cant find this in english - its a compedium of a local company for fault symptoms with timing belts - check it out @xsynatic

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i have that too, the board is almost silent at a certain speed, but braking and accelerating currently is super loud until a certain point.

Pulleys don’t move, they are well loctited and use a keyway. I still have a different Motor pulley left, maybe i’ll swap the current one and test it again. (It’s still is the same pulleys as i started the build with, maybe 1800km ago)

@olsyke i’ll have a look, thanks

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Real noob question but what is an over current fault

I keep getting one when I do harsh acceleration and then comes a cutout with it


Thanks for that!

Here are the escs i’ve been looking at

And the ESC I’ve picked from the koowheel
Google Photos

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Just a quick thank you to you all!
I would have given up multiple times trying to catch my dream of building an esk8, and I think this forum is an awesome place for people that don’t have any people to work on projects and ride together nearby.

Huge shoutout to @BillGordon @PixelatedPolyeurthan @Venom121212 @olsyke @b264


You don’t want either of those. I would get either:

Or two of these:


Thanks a lot, both those two look much more appropriate.
The Ownboard ESC looks like the simpler choice, if there any advantage/disadvantage going with that one?

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con :
You are locked in on the power and battery voltage.
Only certain remotes work (that use the same Hobbywing protocol)
no firmware updates or new cool features

pos :
ready to go, so no extra programming


Okay, I see. I’ll read up a bit on those two. Leaning towards the ownboard but it would be nice to have programming options if I were to upgrade the parts in the future.

Thanks a ton!

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I use the the Wowgo esc (same as ownboard you listed) and i often times wish for more power/speed.

The one thing i definitely give the Ownboard ESC a plus are thermals. I can ride way more agressive with that esc compared to the VESC and not worrying about heat.

In most other points i give the VESC a +

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Hmm, okay. Would be nice to have the option to tinker a bit.
There are only three wires for (what a assume) the motors in the Flipsky ESC though. Would I have to get two units, one for each motor, if I went with that?

correct. either get 2 single (v)escs or 1 dual. Most people recommend going with 2 singles. If one brakes you usually only have to replace one, and not both. A dual vesc where 1 sides brakes can possibly be repaired. INot guaranteed but mostly possible.


Bingo. It’s like my secret sanctuary away from the real world. Do you know of any prebuilt group rides near you? They’re not bad although the people will most likely be snobby about their brand. My local boosted riders group is up to 2 people making diy boards now.


You only need a 1S BMS with integrated USB charger or this one or this one

A 500mA cell is more than enough

And as far as the power switch is concerned, a tiny 3 position toggle with “off” in the middle (in case you bump the switch while riding, you are likely to bump it from “on” to “on”) is very ideal, such as this one mounted in the bottom of the handle

And probably a 1S battery guage


Ahh, I see, thanks for the tip!

oh right
i forgot that i need a way to charge it. Duh

Couldn’t i just wire it up to the existing ON/OF switch?

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