Archived: the OG noob question thread! šŸ˜€

It is? Thatā€™s unintentional. Iā€™ll fix that.

I didnā€™t see anything in my profile settings that show Iā€™m hidden.

Not sure how to change that but thanks for the link.

I was looking specifically for esk8 battery terminology so i can understand what Iā€™m reading when specs are listed.

@BillGordon @mmaner maybe have some insight on the matter?

I uploaded them on my google drive. Clickme.

Itā€™s certainly doable, but an 18A charger is gonna be pretty large and expensive. I personally take @b264ā€™s view - store your board with a mostly-charged battery, that way itā€™s always ready to go. Charge when you get back, not before you leave. That way, you donā€™t need a ā€œsuerchargerā€ at home, just like electric cars - Nobody has 250KW charging capacity at home. Most people just charge their car overnight, and only supercharge if they need more range than a full pack will give.

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Itā€™s not for the house.


Fair enough, carry on! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™d like to go as far as humanly possible in a day or 2 stopping at truck stops for hour charges :slight_smile:
Btw anyone know what would happen if I were to go by land to murica on my board? Would they try to confiscate it?

Well I dunno about us 'muricans confiscating it, but youā€™ll have issues getting a battery pack that large on an aircraft without lying - Most regulations limit you to 100-160Wh in a single pack.

No experience flying with them but think regulations here are anything over 100Wh is potentially an issue:

Regarding charging on the go (and airplane travel actually) personally use swappable packs that are under the limit individually at least. There will be some extra time beyond just pumping the charge into the cells for them to get balanced out and the chargers will typically reduce the amperage when ā€œtopping offā€ the cell. Also a BMS can take some time after the charger is disconnected to continue self balancing.

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As in no plane, no car. Just me, my board and my backpack. I want to one day reach NY. According to my calculations, I would roughly need to stop 13x just to charge

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Iā€™m thinking of making a small 10s1p single belt mini cruiser, thoughts on printing the enclosure with tubes for the cells built in? No rattling or shorting out, it will be a custom compression pack with end caps that screw in and a bracket for the rest of the electronics

That means at least 13 hrs of charging and google says at bike speed about 36 hrs of riding (18km/hr on average) so total trip would be 39hrs if non-stop (even if you did it at double speed would be 18hrs of riding and 13 hrs of charging or 31hrs total). Think youā€™d need to break the trip up over a week and spend a couple of days staying somewhere along the way then fly it back or something to make it manageable at all (wouldnā€™t want to be on the highway in the night). Iā€™ve thought of taking crazy long trips like this before just for the hell of it, after all people bike or run crazy distances sometimes, but would take some physical and mental prep work for sure to actually do. Still no reason to have a slow charger.

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My patreon title stands true :wink:

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On with another noob question. If I were to take my current top mounted build and add a double stack enclosure from @eBoosted with another 12s6p in it, could I hook them up together in parallel or would I have to disconnect/change wires when one dies?

If they are both 12s6p of new 30Q cells and you use them together, they will behave as a 12s12p battery. You canā€™t connect them if the voltage is different


Is that something feasible or should I start looking into making it 2 separate connections?

Mabye wire the batteries in parralel but on the positive of each battery before the parralel connection have a loop key?

In this case, you need the biggest possible charger you can possibly use. So you need more rock-solid specs on your BMS or get a new BMS

A 6P 30Q pack can probably take a 24A charge according to specs and maybe even a 36A charge if you want to reduce the battery lifetime a little bit.

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