Archived: the OG noob question thread! šŸ˜€

Yes but I like it ą²” Ķœ Ź– ą²”

No. Obviously not lol.

Like an example of a worse experience is me being at school when it hits 0f (which it does frequently between the end of November and till the end of February). I literally cannot control my body from shaking when Iā€™m walking to class / for 5 or so mins when I get to class.

@ZachTetra I guess I am? :sweat_smile:

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Yes. Lol

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You gotta get some jackets as thicc as me boi

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Dude I wear a t-shirt, under a nice thick sweatshirt, UNDER A PARKA

I guess I could go 4layers but then Iā€™m gonna look like I weigh an extra 80 pounds :expressionless:

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How long can you leave a 10s5p battery sit at 36-37V LG MH1 cells. I plan to try and use it on the rebuild of my CGT but iā€™m not sure how iā€™m gonna mount the batteryā€¦itā€™s in the double stack thick config.

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Shipping / long term storage voltage is 3.3-3.5 if I remember correctly, so maybe discharge a little more? Should be good to sit for awhile :thinking::man_shrugging:t2:

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@Sn4Pz If youā€™re riding at night and its fucking cold out, I highly recommend screaming into the wind. It wonā€™t make you warm but youā€™ll feel a little better about it. I rode my eMTB out in the middle of winter in tattered jeans and a medium hoodie and fingerless glovesā€¦screaming at the dark and wind helps, especially if youā€™re going fast


this sounds like the origin story of a comic book villain

ā€¦and some say on the coldest and darkest of winter nights you can still hear him screaming into the windā€¦


:joy: :joy: :joy:

Youā€™ve made my dayā€¦I was lazily carving the streets then all of the sudden it was super dark and I had no idea how much power I had left, I was going up a really big hill and the motors started to give out so I was yelling ā€˜go faster goddamnit you weak ass piece of trash!ā€™ā€¦it did actually make it over the hill and I was very pleased. Was in the 31V range by the time the cells came back up to temp. A good night to be sure

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I was 4" taller, and 5# heavier in High Schoolā€¦ you calling me old?

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I would never insult the elderly, thatā€™d be disrespectful :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Iā€™m 6ft6 and 260 lb, you calling me a beast ?

Yeah, I had to make a quick errand run tonight on my ebike and didnā€™t dress appropriately for the wind chill. By the time I was coming up the hill to my house, I was singing the ā€œHoly shit itā€™s fucking cold!ā€ song loud and clear for the whole neighborhood to hear. XD


No such thing exists

It says they didnā€™t know who the package was being sent to / had a bad address or name on it.

Did you give the sender your correct address and your legal government name? Customs needs that

Nice try FBI


customs does customs things :rofl:

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Iā€™m becoming more and more of a trigger remote guy myself. This is split trigger, BTW:


I knew youā€™d come around to the Light Side.

I havenā€™t tried them. I feel like thatā€™s either going to be really great or really awful but canā€™t imagine a scenario where itā€™s just meh.

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but the mini is a single trigger remote, isnā€™t it? or did you mod it?