Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

Anyone know the CC distance (center of truck to center of motor) on the @torqueboards reverse v6 mounts?
Is it possible to get it to 110mm or above?

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How do I embed the metr data?

When viewing your record hit Upload which brings you to your browser, copy the link and just paste it in here

(if thats what you want)

like this ↓


tried that

oh wait there it goes! just removed the ?

i use finish line premium grease got it at my LBS.

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What’s the best dual Focbox Heatsink


wish I had ordered them and done nicer wiring :sob:

now I have to do surgery.

this too


Thanks man!

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Reverse mount is 89.6mm - 105.2mm.


Hello I was just wondering if someone had a problem with 6374 motors from flipsky ? I recently change the motors on my board with vesc4 plus. On the vesc tool I don’t see anything and runs the motors with no problems but when I tried testing I get this weird noise and takes some time to start going. I don’t know how to explain but feels like there is not much power going on at least at the beginning. Here is a video

A couple questions to clarify:

Did you redo your motor detections? If not, do so.

Do these new motors have sensors, and if so, are they connected? Are they connected correctly?

Assuming you do have sensors, and they are connected correctly, did you perform sensor detections?

Assuming the above, are you running in sensored or hybrid mode?

I ask most of these questions because that sound is commonly heard on uncensored motors, or motors with unconfigured/poorly configured sensors. It’s normal for uncensored motors, but if you have sensors and they’re setup right, they should go away. Also realize that if you treat the throttle like you’re riding a two-stroke dirtbike like in the video, that just exacerbates the issue. Twitchy, jerky bursts from a standstill are hard on the controller.


Hello guys and girls from the esk8 playgrounds :blush: I would like your input on the telemetry subject. I installed the davegaX (@janpom) and I like it very much, but since I’m a noop, I would like to talk about my readings, are the right?, are they of any concern? What can I conclude out of these readings?

Here are my specs:
Dual Maytech 6374 170kv
Dual Maytech SuperFOC6.8
Chinese mountainboard trucks and wheels
72 teeth, 16teeth (if I counted right)
Wheel size is 200mm
others specs on request

Here are my davega screens:

and a little vid:

So we would need to know wheel size

But ride a bit more and your wh/km will get more accurate at first it said I did 20 wh/mile now I am at 32 wh/mile

What other settings are you confused about?

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Thanks for your feedback! I added wheelsize 200mm just now.

I’m not really confused about anything, I just don’t know what to expect so maybe other people see strange things.

What I do wonder, how to reset the trip when I go for another ride, because it seems to add every session to the same session now

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if you click the middle button there is an option to reset session but not life time data

the only one that seems odd to me is range as i suspect you should be getting a bit less then that but once you ride a bit more it starts to give better wh/km ratings

also what usable capacity did you set your battery to

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I set usable battery capacity to 80%

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Your lifetime km is really low! I’d consider that a serious problem. Definitely do more riding! :slight_smile:

The consumption is lower than expected for pneumatic wheels. Please double check your drive settings. It’s worth checking that the covered distance as reported by DAVEGA matches what you have actually traveled. Best if you can compare with GPS measured distance. A discrepancy indicates a mistake in the drive settings.


yeah all looks good then.

ride another 20km and see if the wh/km changes other then that everything should be fine

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:see_no_evil: Yes that is indeed a serious problem :see_no_evil:

I will do more rides and check my distance with my phone gps, is that a good way to double check @janpom ?


Let’s say You wanna go outside for a nice ride and your battery is half empty … is it ok to just charge your battery a little bit like half an hour?

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