Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

Will this work out …???


Oh shit that’s a great idea, well let me first get a feel for the supercarve trucks (my build is not even over XD) and then when I fall really hard from a Speed wobble or hate the trucks then I’ll change to haggy with this adapter

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Supercarve DKP on the front is pretty dope but if you put an RKP on the rear, especially a 44 degree or 35 degree, then it gets really stable at speed while still having that deep carve


No experience with the maytech 55 but I have been told their larger motors like the 6880 are hardened. Just because two products come out of the same factory this doesnt mean they are made to the same spec. I know in the solar world this is very true. 15mm its overkill for a dual drive but they last longer and less chance of belt slip on braking and accelerating. If your going to do a trampa style build I would go larger. One of my mates is 170kg (twice my weight) and rides my street carver with these motors.


That’s something I am definitely going to try.

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sooo helpful! thanks for explaining -)

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I’ve taken this to the high council. It is our unanimous decision that. this occurrence, is to be known as a “fluke”, and panic to not be averted.
It has been deemed that the monthly blood sacrifice quota to Bezos must be increased to prevent such occurrences from continuing.


Well handled Sir. Send my regards to the long haired one.

@akhlut is so pro he’s not allowed in the noob thread


Can somebody help me find the thread where somebody from the EU i think was selling a tb 6374 motor?

I just came back from a ride. I hit a new top speed at 44km/h, so no the board isn’t capped at 40km/h

here is the log

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How do I (properly) connect the Riser Adapters from @3DServisas to MBS Metal Matrix II base plates? What is the length of the screws that you are using and in which order do you connect them?

I guess that should be trivial, but there quite some space confinements etc. …


The kingpin bolt head should point outwards.


Yeah, but that is the only thing I know too :-). What about the connection of the risers to the MBS base plate?

Edit: Do you think it is correct as depicted above or not? If so I currently do not have the right screws … seems like they have to be something like 30-35 mm lenght M5?

Go with M5 lens head screws. Countersink in this case is a no no. Measure the depth of the hole to know the right screw length. Btw. Got your hand burned some time ago?

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Thanks, will give it a shot. I thought there must also be some pictures floating around here where people have done that? However, could not find/locate them when I searched briefly.

(No, but that glue here is like a flame too.)

How was the ride though?

Like it should. I felt no banding (alteast can’t remember that i have)


For anyone else intersted @Linny has some nice pics for Trampa axles together with the risers from @3DServisas in his Titan build here > Titan | 12s5p 30Q | Trampa Infinity & 6.5 Superstars | 34" Jet Potato | Unity | Torqueboards 6380s | Idea Idler Belt


is there a reasonably priced option for bearings so i can mount mountainboard wheels (superstars, rockstars) onto surf rodz 10mm shoulder bolts? mountainboard bearings have a 28mm outer diameter