Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

It is not a built in spacer, it is a shoulder to put the motor mount clamp i think. (not round, same shape as a caiber hanger. square with one side rounded off)

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Oh, word. Bummer then. Short axles are :-1:


Here’s a noob question: is direct drive the future of eskating?:cactus:

If new technology allows us to deal with the heat problem / manufacturing costs for these new fancy motors goes down, then definitely.

As of now: belt drive is cheaper, gear drive is more powerful, and direct drive options are quite limited, but if I was
a) building a board with DKP trucks and urethane wheels, I would definitely use elofty’s drives
b) building a dual drive board with RKP trucks and large urethane wheels, I would definitely use Torqueboards’ DD, no question about it.

So for those builds, it is already the best option imo. Time will tell if it makes its way into other build types as well.


never :slight_smile:


My metr Log does not include a map and i have no idea how to fix it.
I enabled GPS in the metr app and iOS settings. GPS speed is working in the realtime tab but the route is not recordet on a map. <-- No Map

try this. Make a new record after updating. Old ones with the bug won’t get it back.

TY for the tip… looks like it’s up to date but there is still no map for me :man_shrugging:

@BuildKitBoards I’ve got a BKB motor mount and I cannot for the life of me get it to clamp and there’s a absolute ton of residence, so I took the bolt out and the end threads are all messed up…looks like the thread tapers out before the end of the bolt… suggestions? I guess replace the mount or re-tap it myself? I’d assume a blind hole M6 course thread tap ought to do it?

It basically stops turning about 5mm short of beginning to clamp

Nothing inside stopping it from spinning? If not a retap will do the trick

I can poke an allen wrench in farther than the length of the screw but the threads don’t catch all the way down

M6x1.0 thread right?

If you retap it you need a “bottoming tap” so that you can tap to fill depth.

Make sure you do not bottom the tap out and then snap it, because then you’ve really bricked it.


Check your new tap against the bolt, the threads should mesh perfectly if you line them up side by side, just to make sure

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I’ll try and find one… suggestions where to find one on short notice? Most of my University is locked down so chances are pretty slim

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Thanks for sharing!!

I have 6880 maytechs on TB 218s with 15mm pulleys. You should be good bud.

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Oh yeah, there’s still close to 10mm left between the motors?

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I have the sealed maytechs so they stick out slightly more. Let me find my caliper and I’ll get back to you. It would def. Work woth 12mm pulleys.

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Make sure the motor lengths are properly accounted for, maytechs are longer than they say


I can’t find my caliper ahhhhhh. Theres a good 8mm of clearance between my motors though.

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