@Venom121212 and @Flasher do all three of you think FOC or BLDC would be the ideal setup mode?
BLDC, anything else on cheaper 4.xx HW and youre asking for street face
Bldc 4xx hw
Foc might be asking for trouble
Should the “Motor Current Brake Max” be the exact opposite of the Motor Current Max?
For example,
22.5 / -22.5 per side?
This is a really good question, Ive always set it to 1/2 of the motor max. Your batt min shouldnt be that high though. Try -6a for batt min and increase (in the negative direction) the number if you want more brakes. Other direction for less brakes.
I set my brakes lower as @Sn4Pz suggested. Makes for smoother braking. Definitely test out the brakes in a safe location first haha.
Agreed, theres nothing worse than drifting accidentally after your first real acceleration
For sure. The smoother the better. I was trying before to smooth out the brakes with the throttle curve mapping. Specifically using the throttle expo braking set to -100% on each side of the Vesc and I still wasn’t happy with the braking. To be fair, I was using the VESC tool and the new setup wizards for the motors.
I’ve always been miserably awful at math stuff, figuring all of this out has been tough, only made easier by these forums. I still don’t feel like I have any real grasp of it though. Like these specific settings seem so unique to multiple options of what battery configuration, cell type, motor type, Vesc type, etc idk how to keep it all straight or find real answers without asking you guys
this is the setup window I’ve got using the Ackmaniac ESC tool, recommended previously over the VESC tool. I guess the VESC tool has become fairly unreliable?
I can’t comment on the vesc tool, it been too long since I’ve used it
I can reccomend ackmanicaks fw tho, worked well for the two boards I had it on
With these settings, I’d still be splitting per side right?
Motor Current Max 40A
Motor Current Max Brake -20A
Battery Current Max ?
Battery Current Max Regen ?
I believe 60/-60 was good (if your esc can handle it)
As for batt min try something in between -6 and -12 and give that a shot
Before I destroy your build, I’ll do the smart thing and ask @mmaner to chime in
The 60/-60 was just what the tool reading the default config for the VESC I think. I also can’t seem to find the battery minimum you guys have been talking about…
@mmaner help a n00b out?
What ESC do you have? Have you upgraded to the Ack firmware?
This is where I usually start, but it is dependent on what amps your ESC can handle.
@mmaner I’ll answer for him since you’re already here and hes not
He’s using a flipsky dual 4.20
And yes on ack
Ok, with a FS Dual 4.20 set 60 to 50 on Motor max & min and bat max. You can move motor max & min up later if you want more speed.
This is what I would do.
Motor Max: 50
Motor Min: -50
Bat Max: 50
Battery Min: -12