Since I’m using two 6354 180Kv motors and a flipsky dual 4.20 VESC with that battery, what formulas should I use to figure out those numbers? You seem to have the math stuff figured out!
Bought them at the same time as the battery, and they are also no longer on the MBoards site, but as far as I can tell, these are the same ones:
I’d set your motor max at 45 A to start and increase it up to this limit. Check your motor temps to make sure they don’t get too hot to hand touch and back down amps accordingly if you get too hot of motors. Flipsky 4.20 is only rated for 100A
As a general rule: Motors are a dumb device that will take whatever juice you throw at them until they melt They rate them in watts as a safety measure.
So some caveats I should address for the overly literal here:
I’m not sure if other dual escs or vescs work the same way, just speaking to how the unity handles it.
The flipsky dual 4.20 claims it’s rated for 100A (50 on each side) I wouldn’t exceed that for safety reasons.
Your battery chemistry isn’t 100% for certain yet. That will affect how many amps you can pull from the cells as well. This will determine battery discharge settings.
I can’t say for certain. The only thing keeping me from believing the 22p cells are being used are the fact that they are rated at 2150 mAh each. That would make for a 10750 mAh pack. They could have just mislabeled it as well.