Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

So let’s break this down:

You need to know cell type used in the pack to determine “safe” settings. I see it’s a 5p pack with a capacity of 10000 mAh (10Ah).

Since capacity is calculated by your P groups (parallel battery groups),

10000 mAh / 5P = 2000 mAh cells being used

Most likely a Samsung 20R battery, a vapcell, or LG HD2 battery chemistry.

Your motor settings will be primarily set by your actual motor rating.

Your battery settings will be where your battery chemistry comes into play.


I messaged the company… still no response :roll_eyes:

Slice the heatshrink carefully so you can tape it back up after? You can find out by looking at the cells themselves :slight_smile:

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Weird thing is that battery is not in their store and other packs on their site use 30q

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Agreed, I’m guessing they wised up and started making packs with better cells.


Yeah this particular battery was from over a year ago. They’ve changed their batteries 2 or 3 times since then as far as I can tell.

Since I’m using two 6354 180Kv motors and a flipsky dual 4.20 VESC with that battery, what formulas should I use to figure out those numbers? You seem to have the math stuff figured out! :slight_smile:

Can you link your motors?

@M.Hboards were you going on a hunch or did you manage to find out what cells the 10s5p was using?


Bought them at the same time as the battery, and they are also no longer on the MBoards site, but as far as I can tell, these are the same ones:

When I first started the build, I was using this Vesc, and the sag was terrible anytime I dropped below 80% on my battery meter:

I was so disappointed. After 2 weeks, the VESC stopped working.

Ok so those linked motors claim 2500W Max.

Watts are a unit of power.

P (Power) = I (Current) * V (Voltage)


2500 W = I * 4.2V (max charge on lithium cell)


I = 59.5 A at Max

I’d set your motor max at 45 A to start and increase it up to this limit. Check your motor temps to make sure they don’t get too hot to hand touch and back down amps accordingly if you get too hot of motors. Flipsky 4.20 is only rated for 100A

As a general rule: Motors are a dumb device that will take whatever juice you throw at them until they melt They rate them in watts as a safety measure.

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They were kind enough to replace it, but the replacement did the exact same thing. So I ordered the flipsky 4.20 dual Vesc instead.

So if I’m doing settings for each motor, I should split the 59.5 in half right? 29.75 per side?

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Yes. The only case when you add them together is a dual esc like the unity that splits them for you automatically.

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You’re the first resource to be able to give me a straight answer on that

So some caveats I should address for the overly literal here:

  • I’m not sure if other dual escs or vescs work the same way, just speaking to how the unity handles it.

  • The flipsky dual 4.20 claims it’s rated for 100A (50 on each side) I wouldn’t exceed that for safety reasons.

  • Your battery chemistry isn’t 100% for certain yet. That will affect how many amps you can pull from the cells as well. This will determine battery discharge settings.

I would bet a lot of money its samsung 22p cells like it was said above. That pack is nearly identical to the diyeboard 10s5p sagtastic pack I had.


Honestly I would do 45a motor max and 15a batt max per each side of the ESC

I ran this one a single motor 190kv setup and 35a made me sag a whole 5v+…

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I can’t say for certain. The only thing keeping me from believing the 22p cells are being used are the fact that they are rated at 2150 mAh each. That would make for a 10750 mAh pack. They could have just mislabeled it as well.