Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

Without a specific model number I can’t tell, but I wouldn’t use it

Something like this would work if you have

  1. another 10S or 12S battery to run it
  2. a multimeter with current measuring ability
  3. preferable another (a third) 10S battery to test it on before you connect it to the dead one
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Maybe this one?

Maybe, I don’t see anything being sold there though :man_shrugging:

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@BillGordon did I stutter in my suggestions 2 posts up? :joy:

Your link doesn’t work. Boom goes the dynamite.


Weird. It removed the “shop” while posting :thinking:

Quit deflecting. You got smoked. SMOKED.



That’s also UK though. The problem is needing a EU source once the UK leaves the EU

For the EU buyers who have to pay insane tariffs

I guess @mackann will have to add them to his list :slight_smile:

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After sitting for a few months (3-4), my board doesn’t perform the same. The battery stayed charged, however, I’ve got inconsistent performance from the controller and motors. Should I just re-program? Or could there be a different issue going on?

Did the board get wet before it sat?

What board?

Negative. It’s just been chilling in my office. We had a baby at the end of April, so I’ve had no time to dedicate to it or even take it out and ride it. I took it out a few days ago, gave it the normal turn on procedure, gave it a push to start, and the motors just bucked back and forth. I thought maybe I had something stuck in the wheels/belts or something but they were clear. Thought it was odd, but kept riding and everything was fine. Got back on it the next day just to cruise around at work, and the same thing happened. If I stayed down on the accelerator too long, they just stopped accelerating and I got no response from the motors for 10-ish seconds or so. Then, it all came back and was fine. Today, I needed to run downtown for a quick trip, so I got on the board, gave it a push, and the same thing. Bucking motors that seemed like they were overloaded, then they were fine. Riding for 15-20 sec with the throttle going, and then no throttle power at all. Made it back home, but I’m almost scared to ride it any more. It’s unpredictable. And this is after the DRV Wizard fixed my Flipsky 4.20 dual.

Custom build, Flipsky 4.20 VESC (upgraded by DRV Wizard) 180kv dual motors 10s5p battery.

Using sensors?

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:arrow_up: this. Sounds like bad sensors, possibly from water damage

Yeah, would unplug and try for sure.

Nope, sensorless motors :frowning:

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Grasping at straws, but have you gone back and done new motor detections?