Flipsky VX1 all the way !
The VX1 is newer and has a longer throw compared to the Nano remote
Yeah feathering on and off the throttle is kind of annoying but it makes sense, also those bushings sound really quite soft lol
@KaramQ definitely try messing with the negative throttle ramping speed. It’s allowed me to have stronger brakes overall while being more fluid. Basically makes better use out of my throttle range.
@Venom121212 off topic question. What screws were you using with the screen? Getting the top cover today in the mail. I think I’m fucked on metric screws. They dont exist in stores here. So I might just drive wood screws through it
They were m2.5 or m3 I believe. A lot of people are just using double sided foam tape with no issue.
Hmmm I only have the new model in front of me so you might need to ask @janpom.
I’d feel too bad if I guessed and gave you a wrong answer. I’d get an assorted set of metric hardware. It has saved me literal months of waiting time on numerous occasions. Metric stuff is a nightmare to find here as well unless you buy bulk.
I think I’m gonna be seeing how strong superglue can be
Luckily pla is perfect for it! I’d send you a handful of screws in an envelope but it’s still like $10 just to ship.
Is it? Thought you could just put it in a mailbox with stamps
frantic usps researching ensues
Looks like a yes to me. Confirm what size head and length you need though, I don’t have backups of every size.
I’m only 150 and love carving. I don’t have to worry about my wheels not touching the floor when turning and accelerating at the same time.
Ah fair enough, I am not as much of the carving type, my bushings are all more stiff
I have some 96a but I can’t turn at all lol.
Anyone know if I plug my receiver into this Flipsky dual fsesc 6.6 plus port, like its, if it will allow me to use PPM? (as an alternate of the ppm wires)
My PPM wires broke off. And wondering if this is equivalent to the ppm wires.
I thought the VX series used uart, doesn’t it have a cable that comes with it?
It does have Uart but I want to use ppm
Oh okay, do you not have soldering iron access?