Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

Flasher, are you okay? So Flasher, are you okay? Are you okay, Flasher?


I think you’re having a seizure there. Sending you an ambulance


Yep essay breezy with that other program, I gotta practice that MJ lean lol

Of course I need an ambulance. I got hit by, I got hit by… a smooth criminal.


Nice pick up :grinning:

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I notice my Flipsky duel plus power button went out. It doesn’t light up and power to the vesc is always on.

Where can I get a replacement power switch, preferably on Amazon? Should I disconnect the vesc from the main battery in the mean time, or leaving it on all the time is okay? I skate frequently if that matters.

Is your switch momentary or latching?

Also, prepare yourself for the possibility that it’s more than the switch. In which case it might be good to get comfortable with the idea of putting together a loop key or AS150.

As for the board currently, you can leave it on as long as you dare. There is one among us who has had his board on for close to a year.

Or is it longer @DerelictRobot ?


Naw, the old girl went under the knife and got a complete rework under the hood. New battery, DieBieMS, Unity.

It started getting dumb when I had the one switch that still worked start unlatching itself when I was riding. The original 666Wh battery that endured a baptism was only taking about 350Wh of charge and sagged further than @SeanHacker’s Rocky Mountain Oysters. She was a good old girl, but she’s riding better than ever after the rebuild. 8k+ miles and climbing total on that board, but at a certain point it becomes a Ship of Theseus situation.


It’s latching. Yea I thought about loop key before.
I think this one

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean because I’m well read and smart. (Furiously searching for Ship of Theseus.)

Good god, man. How many boards do you have now along with that glistening virgin vagina you just built?


You can get that switch cheaper, but you won’t get it faster than Amazon.


I would have loved to see a full scale build thread for the new vagina, that thing is such a beautiful beast


Yea, Im gonna give this a try. I can get it by Monday with prime if I order within the next hour. LOL

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He’s pretty pleased with it, as he should be. Bastard is rubbing our noses in that sweet musky fragrance every chance he gets. That board has more Instagram likes than Kendall Jenner and the egg combined. For fucks’s sake, he’s stopping families outside of Walmart to show it off.


I’ve thoroughly convinced all the neighborhood kids I’m basically a b-movie Batman Power Ranger at this point, gotta keep upping the ante.

That one little fat fuck that looks like he fell out of The Sandlot that watched me walk of shame home still fucking looks at me with that smug ass fat little face though.


I just parted out a street build and built/shipped an E-toxx/Trampa eMTB to my friends in Texas. My KalyKat is on the bench for a new flex PCB battery pack Ernesto and I are testing.

So at the moment, up and fully functional? Three. The old girl CC, LoveChild, and Humperdoo.

Build thread on LoveChild comes as soon as I know more on the upcoming build contest. Need to make Tim sweat a little.

Thanks for askin! How about you?


Kind of like a Ferrari dude asking a Toyota Tercel dude what’s up, but appreciated. Three runners, one of which is on generous loan from the fine folks at Exway. My 36" belt runabout build is awaiting some stuff from a mutual friend, and my 6374 dual is awaiting a new deck after I fucking fell on top of it with a cute girl standing right there. Pride absolutely slaughtered moment. I somehow misplaced my giant old drill or I’d have it up and going already.

The much-beleaguered eLofty DDs continue to provide hours of PG-rated enjoyment, though, especially now that I’m running them off the Maker X Dual. Decent bit of kit and pip pip cheerio, as constable @Dareno might say.


Augustus Gloop


When you fall there’s always a cute girl near, have you noticed that? It’s inescapable


Yup. Universe doesn’t even provide metaphysical lube for the moment.