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Damn, it’s a little way off but I think it’ll be OK. 5-8mm compressible gasket and tighten the enclosure down onto it. (You might even find grey stuff) the fibreglass should be flexible enough to pull down a little and the gasket will take up the slack in the right places.
@Halbj613 this one was a bit of a transatlantic long shot. The enclosure was modelled on a landyachtz 9two5 originally.


What a sexy build I really dont need another build, but the drop hammer is such a tempting deck. Cant wait to see how it turns out.


@b264 I was looking at the foam tape you linked and it seems very similar to the open cell neoprene foam tape I had before…and that stuff literally reduced to dust after a month between a plastic enclosure and the deck

Are you sure this stuff will hold up to the abuse?

No. But it holds up for me.

Cannot guarantee anything

ive never had this issue with the foams ive bought

have you considered this?

i use it on my Zenith, foam on the deck, trim with bulb on the enclosure


How close is too close is too close for inserts? Is every ~60mm too close? I got 20 so I though I might as well use them

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60mm sounds reasonable. Question is do you really want to unscrew 20 bolts each time you need to take the enclosure off?

Edit: remembered your enclosure didn’t match the deck perfectly; yeah go for more to get a better fit

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I’m probably gonna just use tape until I get the settings right…only thing I can foresee is having to set a erpm limit before the trucks wobble off and I can probably just set it to about 18mph plus 10% off the bat

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Actually I’m trying to steal a board off the lady friend, it happens to be a near perfect fit. It’s a Surge 41" drop carve. I kinda like the Drop Hammer as an analog for the flex and low ride height so I might just swap it out

She said maybe, so I’ll try and bribe her for it

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True; it’s usually only the first build you spend ages fine-tuning :laughing:

But is this replacement deck also so pretty and white?

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Nah…it’s not the nicest, but like I’d lose the flex anyways with the enclosure on

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Bit of a design change here, thanks to the supreme generosity of @tomiboi I’ll have my hands on one of his test integrated decks, the super sexy drop through to be exact which will replace the DropHammer and BB enclosure for this version of the build at least

I should have it in hand come Saturday and will start making the battery ready for the ESC and hubs (batch is being made rn, should be shipped out soon)

(one on the left of course)


Yooo we got the new deck rolling!! Clearance seems pretty good and the stance feels solid AF with the shards of glass poking up from it!

tomiboi’s craftsmanship is quite nice I gotta say, it’ll take a look working at to get the battery in and what not but it’s promising so far!


Sense of scale, seems pretty good so far