Aluminium Drop down brackets?

@pixelsilva is right… I work too much, that’s why I’m not very active on, but I promise to improve :blush:

And now a few words about my brackets…

I designed brackets for Surf Rodz TKP trucks, but they also fit caliber 2 trucks, I have a few other trucks in stock, so I need to check if they fit other trucks

I designed the brackets for myself, I did not plan to produce them for sale because their production is time consuming and would be expensive, but many people ask me about them, so I think I should do a short series

The brackets are made of 4 elements screwed together, they are not bent, therefore the aluminium structure is not affected

Tomorrow I will send information about prices


I saw the multiple bolts and supposed that they were innovative insofar as the angles could be adjusted, that’s something new.

It would be nice to have angular indexing marks on each movement to set them precisely on each side

The bolts are needed to assemble the brackets, I wanted to design the brackets without bending, which is why they have such an unusual design

I also want to design folding brackets with a rubber damper, but this is a difficult project so I promise nothing (i.e. when I make a prototype, do I sell it, and for how much… ) :smiley:

What’s in the sketch below is just a very preliminary concept


I didn’t think of use #2…pretty radical! But would that not flex causing wheel bite?

I could be ignorant! Ah yes I am that is just for storage/travel! You would have a hard time running trucks in that orientation :joy:

What do you mean?

I mean I jumped to a conclusion in 2s and deduced that you made a design that slows shortening the wheelbase as well as extended it.

Of course I understand now that is just to fold the board up for storage/travel


Thanks for passing by
I love your stuff, some of the most classy boards ever :heart_eyes:


I designed a folding board for a joke, published an instagram rendering and was surprised by how many people like this idea… :grin:

that’s why I’m planning to implement this idea …

Thanks @DavidF :slight_smile:

Some time ago, I decided to design my own board as a self assembly kit

I met with the owner of Antidote Longboards (Exile) to start a permanent cooperation, I wanted it to be a top quality product.

Unfortunately, because of the lack of time and additionally because of the pandemic, the deadline for making the prototype was delayed

I like long distance boards, that’s why I wanted the deck to be long and wide

I designed several different variants of the deck, it is one of the last versions

As a supplement to my previous description, I will add that I designed the brackets for sale as a complete putty with a board, I did not think of selling them individually, but if more people are interested, maybe I change that decision…


That’s perfection :green_heart:
BTW If you ever want some beauty render of your stuff drop me a PM
I did some 3D designs over there I you want to have a look


Beautiful… :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

I like the customity of your projects


Thanks, means a lot coming from you :slight_smile:

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@IDEA when you have those drop down brackets in place I’m up for a set. Yours look the best out of all of them, and I’ve been eyeing them for awhile now


@IDEA put me down for a set too! I don’t have a board for them yet, but I’ll plan one out specifically for your brackets :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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@IDEA I will take a set too, just for shits and giggles atm. Might have a plan in future

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I’d also be interested in a set, depending on price.

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Sign me up as well.

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The price for 2 brackets (rear - front) is 190 Euro
This is the price for the standard version (not foldable)

If you order from non-EU countries, the price is 23% lower, i.e. 154 Euro ~ 180 USD

Price does not include shipping costs


Is this a render or the real deal? Looks great🤗

Any idea of the price yet for the adjustable one @IDEA ?

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This does not render :slight_smile: this is a real photo


I need a board like this!