Aluminium Drop down brackets?

this ^ short WB = mo drifty/less force needed to initiate a slide.


They don’t have a patent on drop plates/brackets. Fixed plates do not infringe their patent. I had to read through 29 claims and hurt my head trying to understand if this comment was true because I’m trying to make a bracket myself and don’t want to step on any toes. Their patent is an apparatus that allows the adjustment of hangers through a curved track basically. I could be wrong because I’m dumb as hell. Ok, time to take some tylenol.

n00b question most likley…but will Matrix 2 trucks fit/work on Gbombs? (specifically these - Back / front )

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Hey guys
Just wanted to let you know that there is a pair of IDEA brackets for sale in my thread.:


If anyone was interested in buying the brackets :slight_smile:


Im currently in the process of building a Demonseed. I cannot wait till the day I break off a nose while riding as it’ll give me the chance to try these brackets! Your mounts are beautiful and some of the best looking on the market imo. I cannot wait till I can finally place an order for some mounts


Like this? My 44 Demonic Panda Demonseed de-laminated at the drop, SDR gbombs were used to rescue it


Welp, this thread got revived perfectly in time for me to show off my ultra deep drop brackets :joy:

Based off of IDEA drop brackets, but significantly deeper at 75mm of drop rather than 40mm, this allows for topmounting adjustable baseplates while keeping the deck nice and low. Built out of 4140 steel (for prototyping), although i will likely switch to 7075 alu down the line for a final part.


Looking good, how is leaning though, not to hard to turn?

I actually prefer the lower deck setup. Decreasing deck height over the axle makes it feel more linear and less divey to me.

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This is the rolls rolls of bracket boards :rofl:

Are you planning on making these braces available to the public?

I could, if theres enough interest. However, they’re quite expensive.

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Does the foot stop work more like an ankle stop now?

Yeah i need to remove it lol, but i gotta print a new davega angled mount for that.

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Curious as to why 7075 over 6061 or TI.

I know 7075 is stronger, but 6061 seems more than good enough for our applications no?

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When youre making a bracket with this much drop, it needs to be pretty stiff, or else itll deform under impacts and heavy loads. 6061’s lower hardness also makes it worse durability wise for the threaded holes that are used for mounting.


This looks really nice!