All new 2019 vesc-tool

Nope, just activate wake lock in settings.

Is there a significant reason to go through the hassle of updating my vescs? I’m still on the 3.58 Firmware. I only use forward, Cruise control via the VX1 and thats it. Tracking is via Strava and Metr.

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If you’re happy with that I wouldn’t update.

I’m running 3.38fw on my builds. First thing I did when installing the VESC 6+.

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There are very good reasons to update!
Benjamin is always working hard to make things better and safer.
For example, everyone likes the smart reverse!
The update is done very fast BTW! With the latest VESC-Tool most features will stay usable even with older FW. However, there is a minimum FW revision you should use.

If you have 3.62 and later, profiles will stay usable even with a newer version of the APP.
You can always save your config and load the config after an update. In future Benjamin will automate that procedure for convenience. A FW update will then be done in no time.

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The update itself is not the problem. But getting both vescs to Work in tandem is the problem. The last time it took me roughly 3 hours to get both vescs work via can. Haven’t touched it since. Not sure how i did it.

Smart reverse is nice if you use reverse at all. I think its a huge strain to the vesc because if i stand still on my board and accelerate slowly, each vesc jumps to a minimum of 20-30ish amps Amps just to get me moving. Can’t image the board holding me still on a incline and even going reverse.

I also have belt drifting and a weird sound if i go on reverse, thats why i haven’t even considered activating it.

Setup via CAN is a one minute max. Simply run the wizard.
It’s so convenient now…

Computing golden rule : if it works, DO NOT touch anything. :slight_smile:

I still have a board with a 2.48 FW, why should I update ? In 3 years I didn’t have any issue with it.
So if you’re happy with your board and its features, I wouldn’t update.


When doing the initial wizzard setup, on a dual vesc config. The values is written to both the vesc… With the newest FW, if I after the wizzard, manually change something, like “motor-max” does vesc-tool still only change the value on the vesc i´m connected to. Or does it finally change value on both the vesc, like it does in the wizzard ? Thanks

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Nope, it changes them on the connected VESC.

Damn… so you think that you change the values on both vesc, like you do when using the initial wizzard. But you are only changing on the connected vesc. Why not give the option ? Settings like “bat max” “motor max” etc. you always want the same values on both the vesc anyways ??

So this is why when I switch from foc to bldc only one motor changes. So all all my custom settings is on only one side of a due vesc? Seems dangerous.

How do I set the secondary vesc?

On the connection tab click on can forward, it will connected to the second vesc


Thanks! Finally works.
I tried that before a week ago but either nothing happens or a different firmware error pops up. Turns out I have to press SCAN CAN BUS first and the other vesc will show up. Then choose activate. I’ve been running around with batt max regen: -30 on one motor, and -60 on the other for months. Wow


Thats my point. It confuse people the way it is now.

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There are many applications where different VESCs have different settings. Even in esk8 it happens that you don’t want all VESCs to have the exact same settings. Think of a quad with 35/65 power distribution.

Usually you do your Wizards. If you want to change power, you create a profile. Profiles always affect both VESCs.

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If you try to upload the new fw, I suggest you to start with the slave vesc first. After your are done, wait 30 seconds, reboot vesc , then do the master. It took me a few minutes, and I really like the new fw version. I always wait a couple of weeks for update, read the results, and then up date…

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@Trampa care to enlighten us as to why the smart reverse feature only works for the wand and no other NRF remotes?

EDIT: or any reverse actually


Originally a feature we envisioned to have more safety riding with bindings and heel straps.
Designed to work as pannik feature.
During R&D for the Wand Benjamin implemented it as experimental feature to be tested by our team. After successful testing we found it so useful that PPM (the most used remotes) got the smart reverse upgrade first. Older nunchuck mods are currently having a closer look at. One thing after another… Vedder ain’t no robot.


@trampa does the flipsky vx1 fall under the nunchuck catagory in regards to smart reverse, setting throttle curves etc…?

I have no clue how that remote works or how it connects to the ESC. UART, PPM?

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