I am running a Unity with dual 5k motors and I suspect it’s going to get pretty hot. My enclosure doesent have a heatsink, it’s just sealed. So what are people doing? Does the focbox really need a heatsink? i am thinking it maybe does, so how would I go about adding one to the enclosure so I can get some of the heat outside of the enclosure?
hey man small suggestion
p l e a s e
stop making new
t h r e a d s
Ask questions here: Noob question thread! 2020_Summer
or use the search bar
Maybe responding with “then feel free not to answer” isn’t the best idea
depends on a few things:
ride style
ambient temp
if you want a heatsink cut a hole
Evan I love you bud, but these threads are why the search bar works.
As for OP, as poasty said, cut a hole.
I don’t like it when you look at me like that mane. Makes me uncomfortable.
fwiw, the search bar already has answers to these questions, and the search bar catches things in noob questions. This user has made like 7 threads this week on things that have been thoroughly addressed in other threads
this too. I just get kranky when I get a notification for a new “DIY build” just for it to be another post that belongs in a different category
also quick note, wrong category for this thread, I see no DIY builds here
at least, it’s not a DIY build thread, just a question pertianing to DIY builds
There are 100s of threads in the DIY Builds category that aren’t actually build threads. It’s because there’s no better “generic” thread
this raises a good point. a new category of “Questions, help, and heck” would be nice
there’s on questions cat sadge
we need, so if anyone wans to filter to just questions it be easier than searching through teh build thread novels
A thread called what the fuck would be cool. I look that up every time I have a problem.
Put it in parenthesis on the noob question thread title.
is this your cat by any chance?
It is not.