A Better Skatepark Board. 12S1P. OG Focbox. Single Drive.

It was 10:55 when I thought I was done.

But then I realized that the bigger motor had no clearance from the coper, so I had to change stuff to get back to being able to grind.

Fuck a duck dude.
So bummed…

A reasonable person would have gone to bed to fight another day m

But that is not me.

So I had to take shit appart

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Once in a blue moon it is nice being a hoarder, since I had the short BN motor mounts that I could set lower to put on here.

Look at all that clearance.

I even got to break out the angle grinder, which turns out my wife could hear from the bedroom across the house…


While making the motor mount pulley I managed to loose the 15 tooth pulley I was using.

I don’t think there is anything that drives me crazier than when I put parts somewhere and they disappear.

The 15 tooth pulley disappeared.

This motor has 10mm shaft, so I don’t have many of those pulleys

But I did find a 14 tooth.

Which is what I actually wanted to use in the first place.

So it worked out ok. Besides taking extra 15 minutes looking for shit and almost loosing my mind.


So once again I take celebratory pictures from being "done’


Can you guess the next rabbit hole???

Sometimes I do shit that makes me feel like I have not built 200 hundred electric skateboards…

Despite my checking on the bench I immediately had horrible motor mount bite with the new BN mounts.

So here we fucking go again…

Can I even call something a project if I am not drilling and grinding my BN parts.

Glad I had the angle grinder handy.

So I drilled out the slots.
Ground off the bottom of the mount.
And carved a little indent on the deck.

And I think I got to a point of decent clearance both ways


It was 1:28 and once again I celebrated being “done”

So in my celebration I roll around the inside of the garage only to realize now that I have wheel bite!!!

DIY is a Disease!!!

I had decided to take my 8th inch risers off earlier in the project.

It saved some weight.

It kept the board lower.

Seems like the right thing to do!!!

Except I swear that 8th inch risers does some major helping avoiding wheels bite without making the bushings really tight.

So once again I had to take shit apart.

Adding risers is a really simple thing to do.

Unless you have super short bolts, that are glued to the deck. And under the grip tape.

I could have stopped anytime.

This was 1:49am and I am changing the grip tape, to change the bolts. To add 8th inch risers.

I am ok! Are you ok?


It’s 2:20 and the Board is finally put together in the way I was going to leave it for the night!!!


I woke up this morning wanting to go outside to admire all of my accomplishments from the night before, not knowing for sure if everything that happened was real life…

Going to the Hosoi is a big change.

Very different from the white ATV.

The back Port is similar.
Both have long mellow tails which work well with the giant wheels.

The front is very different.
The white ATV has a really nice concave.
The Hosoi is much flatter, very slight concave.

The Hosoi feels nice. But it probably won’t be as good as the ATV for Ollies.

But that is not really a priority…

I wonder if I will miss the slightly kicked up nose.

Also the Hosoi has a bit longer wheelbase.
I need to keep this in mind when I make an enclosure. In case I ever want to transfer to the ATV.


I totally want to get this thing to the skatepark to try it out.

But what is to keep me from making the second most basic enclosure ever.

A piece of wood.
Some ABS.
Tesa tape.
And a dash of Butyl Tape for good measure.

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This concept could actually be made to look pretty nice if someone was able to measure properly

Take the time to center it.

Measure it nicely.

But that ain’t me.

I sent it.

It will totally work for now!!!

Here is the last celebration photo hopefully before the skatepark!!!


I just did a really sweet 50/50 at the little quarter at the park.

It was glorious.

This was all worth it.




Did u have any issues setting up the focbox?
I’ve got a focbox and an og ollin and it seems impossible to update the firmware


No issues.
I got lucky with the Vesc Roulette this time!!!

I think this one was at 5.1 and I updated it to 6.0 or 6.2 just using the app on my android phone.
I have a blue tooth dongle on there.

If yours is older firmware it may be weirder… Not sure.

ngl that 5050 made me want a non acustic for the park. :smiley:

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I can’t express how much fun I had the other day.


Oh my god dude all the time, it’s the worst.


there was a show i saw as a kid. maybe it was twilight zone?

the gist of the show was these people slipped out of time into the realm of the people that were building each moment in time from scratch. and the workers explains to the person that you know how when you look for your keys and they aren’t there one moment, but then you look again later and they are.

sometimes we forget to put everything into every moment.

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