6389 x 8 | quad unity/stormity | 12s/18s tattu | RedEmber 44

Yea… Oooor he runs 8 ESCs at 150a each + 22s and BOOM : 100kw :crazy_face:

It will turn into a freakin jet! Right @City-Blade-101? :laughing:

Ok serious input tho : on what do you plan to mount the gear drive? Torque might simply snap the shit outta axles there no? You need maybe 12/15mm steel axles?

Are there any oem trucks able to take that much torque?


Oh fuck yeah @Arzamenable Lemme know if I can help lmao. I wanna see this work.


Oh well… Now I am following. Amazing attempt.


Yeah literally hahahaha I bet you like the wanted amount of power, dont you? :grinning:
Im curious how this board and the whole construction will turn out :stuck_out_tongue:
I totally like crazy ideas, things out of the box, things like this always brought humanity forth.


maybe he can gear super high so it justt doesn’t spin out from a dead stop. And he’ll reach a max speed of 200+ XD


Tom Stanton had an issue with a setup like this on his electric bike, seeing this post instantly reminded me of it. He explains the issue in his video very well. The problem is when the belt goes to the first motor pulley it will be under a lot of tension, but after it passes the first pulley it will have a lot less tension so when it reaches the second motor pulley it will skip.

He fixed the issue by having a belt connecting the two motors and then only one motor connected to the wheel.

A gear drive would probably be perfect solution in this situation.


what the fuck :eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes:

This is insane, 10x 6355 was around what I calculated would be needed to a motorcycle to cruise at highway speed, so on this means burnouts all the way to full speed


That guy said pulley way too much

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Skipped a bit at the Barrett junction start. 7in front, 8in rear. Honestly, it wasn’t the safest take off.

I guess I did something similar at The Lancaster final start. (:thinking:… Shit move. Won’t be a third time SRB riders, promise :v:)

But this isn’t for The races (maybe, depends how straight :grimacing:)

This isn’t meant to be a response to those chrome moly sirens that are always so close on your tail or so far ahead.


I think you would be better off with a custom gear drive from Janux (Exactly like what your 2 motor 1 wheel belt drive is but with gears)

Then again dont listen to me since I’m an idiot :man_shrugging:


I also watched this too. Belts are for trials before I can get the exact gears I’m looking for.


this… is k00l…
but figger a way to spring-load the top center idler…
harmonics? maybe… but it will be fun nonetheless…
watching this!

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MOREOVER, my motivations. I am not here to out-science, out-engineer, out-craft, or out-ride the insanely talented misfits here.

This build is the answer to any pedestrian, motorist, cyclist, who lets anything less positive than, “what the hell?” to escape their fat mouth. Also, not an attempt to be an esk8 ambassador to the uninitiated. Also fuck them, let them grab the business end of a soldering iron, DIY is hard for a reason, but I digress.

Ideally, I’d like to be able to claim that the power to weight ratio is better than a 997.2 generation 911s. God tier: beat one to 30 or 40mph from a ded stop.

A complete from @MoeStooge or @JaysTCB (and others) would be cheating and they can probably make this claim right meow. I need to be able to say, I did this my damn self, burned fingertips, early carpel tunnel syndrome and all . granted, I’ll probably be seeking their help along with @RipTideSports soon :call_me_hand:

I’ll clean up the initial post with wiki markup styling, relevant links, good photos, maybe even some maths and let the rest of the rabble rabble carry on. (I can still edit the initial one right?)

thanks for comments, criticism, and fuck yeahs.


Fuck yeah

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Fuck yeah x2


I can not wait to see you beating 911’s, I’m guessing it would be possible to have you go up against 918’s albeit you might lose. When someone says Diy is the forefront of innovation for Esk8, this build is what they mean :love_you_gesture:t3:


… I just want to shut up all the people claiming they have the most powerful board…

Well than, keep going :muscle: :joy:
Nice project :+1:

Edit: fuck yeah


folder/read-when-sober/k00ky ideas that work/arz

hit save


burnouts…smoke shows… on esk8s… the next frontier…
@Arzamenable I humbly offer my assistance!