63100 motors: what options are out there?

That video is a lie, click bait! def not a space cat riding on pizza


Hahahaha! Gotta get them clicks one way or another


Freerchobby is a miss on QC. Received two 63100’s.
Both cans weren’t battle hardened and one motor’s hall sensor was DOA. After two weeks back and forth to resolve, they’re providing is a new coil assembly with PCB.


I found that the sensor wires were mixed up on mine. As for battle hardening, i doubt mine are

whats the biggest thing you could pull with them

Not sure what you’re referring to here

like could you pull a shopping cart or a small deer with them

You mean the animal like Bambi right? I am pretty sure if you give a little push to get it rolling, even Small motor would be able to move a corpse.

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idk last time i tried it didnt work


I am curious, can I see your set up?

Maybe with a very high and slow reduction or something it would work.

just basic ass 5xx motors, 10s batt and esc, will try some bigger pneumatics soon to see the difference

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Ok but is that on a skateboard or a shopping cart?

on a board lol

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I pull my 100kg ass on 100% inclines (45°) with some headstart. Actually took a spill today on a steep dirt ramp :confused:

Funny thing, falling is fine, it’s low speed on gravel, but the board is so heavy it dragged me down back the entire ramp from the top which roughed me up a little

I actually filmed my entire shame but i’m not going to post here



why they so long :joy:

Precut lengths, they come through the bindings and when i ride with boots they’re actually pretty tight in corners. Also bought for the hundredth time heatshrink thinking the size is the flat strip when it was the diameter, so shrinking that properly was not fun

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Ant 63100, I’ve been running these, terrible, overheating crap


Can confirm. Freerchobby here, constantly at 80°C+

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Any good deals on 63100s (or similar) floating around?

Flipshits from atbshop uk or nexusboards