6" Pneumatics best manufacturing quality options

I think I have read that these are some of the best quality/performing 6" tires out there. I wonder why they are not able to get them back in stock. Supply chain issues?

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I’ve read the same, and no idea. Emailed them a few times to ask but never get a response.

Doesnt hoyt makes hoyt make some good ones.

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that dont fit any standard rim? yes.

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I’ve looked for Hota before and nobody lists them as such so it’s a pain in the ass. Emailed and called onsra and got fuck all for a response from there Cali office.


You can get the hotas at this link Replacement parts Pneumatic AT wheels – rideonsra


just as a general thing, Fred (esk8unity) knows fuckall about the technical aspects of esk8. Take what he says with a grain of salt


most definitely but in the vid he does do a pretty good breakdown of a bunch of tires and how they feel… makes me wanna try the hotas


Hotas are good. They last nicely too.


These dumptruck are the shit


yeah hotas at a low tire pressure is real nice. (2 bar for me)
I went through my pair in 2-3 weeks though.
and at the end of it’s life I also got two flats from the steel wire sidewalls wearing down the inner tube.


think they’re too small for my m1-AT?

Depends on your ratio, but they will fit

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Yeah I know china has them but shouldn’t onsracalifornia stock them as well

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Do those only fit on those new hubs you got?

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they fit the newbee hub, megastar (u need to wide space in between), and possibly other hub (i will test on the infinity hub later)

does not fit phatlads i’ve tested


Good find.

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They are going to be different than the OG 155
But JJ from Hoyt said 3-4 months out so Let’s :pray:
153 I think

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These look so promising @frame might be getting a little batch :shushing_face:


Here is a question. What is needed to make a really good 6" diameter tire? If someone could have a really solid 6" tires made and in stock most of the time, that would be really beneficial to the community. Other than Hota, any other manufacturers?