3rd round GB - Closed - few parts left_ Paris / Caliber2 / TB 218 / Kahua precision adjustable base plate_The Hammock Base_Sick of Angled Risers!

Why dont they like esk8 ?

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They are assholes, who knows.


there’s a whole thread about it on the builders forum.
They mentioned some bulshit about us using their parts messing up their stock for their actual customers.




They wasted at new year’s eve party and an esk8er did them all in a row. They actually enjoyed the hell out of it but are too shy to convey. Seems they can’t see an esk8 ever since.

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Hi! So I checked and we should be enough to run another GB :partying_face: It will be a smaller one but happy I can make it happen anyway. So now I will organise all the things and let you know when we are ready to start! Thanks you all, once again :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Everything is ready to start. You should have got the pm. I do not remember who, but two of you filled up the google form but was not sure to join. In that case please remove yourself from the pm thread.

Thank you :grin:

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Hi @rey8801 !
I’m just waking up for this GB.
Is there a seat left by any chance ? :slightly_smiling_face:

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rey, picking up a TKP set on Wednesday, if you need to lend it…
I’ll be at the karting event on the 6th of Oct.
RKP I have a set too eh…

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Hi! Iyes I have few spares once. I will add you to the pm GB :wink:


Thanks a lot for the kind thought! I am actually waitng my coming from US, thanks to @deucesdown for helping. I alredy prepared the rough CAD, now waiting the part to test fit and make a prototype for my next build. If I see that I do not get the parts from US in a reasonable time then I will borrow yours :blush:


Did this group buy ever take off? It seems like it went radio silent.

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3rd round GB - Closes on 16/09/19

Late to the party like I usually am. He’ll no doubt offer more sweet candy in the future.


Yes I talk to the guys involved in pm. I am waiting the parts to be delivered. There are few left in case someone is interested. Forgot to update the actual thread :blush:

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I will fill out the form in case you want someone to take the extras off of your hands.


Eheh :wink: just fill up the 3rd round form and I will add you in the pm.

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Took me a minute to find it, but just filled it in.

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Perfect thanks. Just checking. One set included 2 hammocks. Do you want 2 sets meaning 4 in total?

4 hammocks in total would be ideal, but I totally understand if you can only find 1 or 2 extra.


Let me check I should have them :wink: