3d printing requests,

@frankthedragon Yea, using a complex machine to print out a simple structure is totally overkill. Although when we look at all the effort we put into our decks to make them look and run to perfection I think we can do better than Peli cases in the looks department. Trampa are the only ones I know of that make anything half decent although for me the costs would be too high, converting the POUND to AUD sux for us Aussies.

I’m here looking for alternatives, there are plenty of places offering 3D printing services nowadays. I’ve had some under-mounted enclosures quoted in the past from thing verse for my first build and the prices I was getting were lower than what I expected.

If there are folks out there printing under-mount enclosures there must be someone that’s given a top mount enclosure a go on their 3D printer.

I’ve also reached out to a few local guys in my area that I’ve used in the past and sent me designs to them. I’ll loop everyone here in on what I end up doing.
