3D Printing Discussions, Questions and Debugging

oh got it. I though mean changing the extruder size itself…So change the 0.4 you see on the picture to 0.38 for example but leave the extruder itself set at .4

Does changing the flow to 101% do anything different than multiplying your esteps/mm by 1.01?

Purely out of curiosity… I’ve always assumed that would do the same thing.


They are equivalent. One is just a real-world machine calibration, the other lets you override it by X percentage.


Line width should be what you need! :grin:

Yeah obviously better to keep the estep calibration static.

Second part of that question:

All estep calibration tutorials I’ve seen say to “preheat hotend” before extruding and measuring.

For me, the machine defaults its preheat to 185°. I normally print pla around 214° on average. Wouldn’t it make more sense to do an estep calibration when the hotend is at a more normal printing temp? I’ve never seen that mentioned before.

I never understood that either. I heat it up to full temp, then measure feed at the inlet. Why put more strain on the extruder stepper?

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Other thing i have is that when the print ends i want the nozzle and bed stay at a certain temp.

I got this gcode on the End Gcode.

M104 S187 ; Set Extruder Temperature
M140 S50 ; Set Heat Bed temperature

The heat bed works but not the nozzle.

I do it all from the machine because I’m too lazy to type Gcode commands

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Do you use octoprint or do you transfer your micro sd card to the pc everytime? I’m considering setting it up, i just want to transfer the files wirelessly.

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Is there any other g code after these two?

also i want my bed and nozzle heat up at the same time when i start a print

hmm, good question. Since there are thousands of parameters, I bet the mapping is nonlinear. Also I try to do everything from profile because I can repeat it the next time.

And yes, as for extruding certain amount of filament, I just use the machine. It’s pretty convenient I think.


I transfer micro SD. When I had octoprint set up, I could print wirelessly to the machine or transfer files to the SD cards. Printing wirelessly messed up a few prints for me while I was messing around in the web interface. Transferring a Gcode file to the SD card took like 15 minutes.

Been looking into trying it again though for time lapse video and remote monitoring.

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I love having octoprint setup. Like really, really love it. Not sure when you last used it but its been basically flawless for me so over the last couple months. They might’ve updated some things since you last used it.


I’ll give it a shot. I saw a recent project where a guy was managing 3 printers with one pi 4.

Do you print from your cpu or transfer to its SD card?

If cpu, is it a desktop you leave running all the time? I was running off my laptop and thought that could be an issue with it sleeping on longer prints.

I don’t know what I would do without octopi. I also use Klipper firmware which absolutely depends on an external computer. The latest releases are rock solid.

The network is also hardwired, so that helps.

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I haven’t used my sdcard in months. I actually forgot I had one in there. Haha

I literally switch from 3 different computers and my phone depending on where I’m at. Never had an issue with shutting them all down. The prints just proceed as usual. I think once you transfer wirelessly, all the work is done from the pi itself so the webpage doesn’t even need to be on or running. It’s literally made life so much easier.


Awesome…i’m having all sorts of problems again. Leveled the printer the 3rd time now in 2 days. The leveling is like it should but the nozzle is way higher while printing compared to the leveling.

What do i do with these values? I never touched them.

I this won’t help you right now. But you should think about getting bltouch. I haven’t even had to think about bed leveling in months. It like a piece of magic.

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Who here is good at 3d modeling?