I want to know, what 3D Printer are you using folks.
I’m using a Creality CR10-s pro. In retrospect the ender 3 would have probably have done everything I needed though for a lot less money.
Got the alphawise U30, quite similar of th ender 3, it’s good for beginning !
Creality released the Ender 5 recently and it has 50mm more build height. And they are on sale for €279.
I have the Lulzbot Taz 6 Mini. Smallish bed, but incredibly robust.
and pricy
Not really, I got mine for half price after I called and talked to them. Also, sometimes prices are reflective of quality.
I’ve got one of these. https://www.usawanhao.com/wanhao-duplicator-i3-plus-
I picked it up for $300 a few years ago and it’s been running strong for a while after a number of upgrades. For the price it was great, but I wouldn’t recommend it today… there are so many cheaper/better printers out there that you don’t have to spend the first month tediously upgrading with printed parts and aftermarket kits.
Big fan of my MK3 agree you can save a lot by going creality but just generally like prusa research as a company and they publish all the parts to print for their printers along with upgrades and are always working to make slic3r Or I think it’s called prusa slicer now so that’s nice (lulzbot are also open hardware). Creality made the switch I think about a year ago to open source their work as well but a bit late to that, still if you need to save some money and don’t mind dealing with possible QC issues can get one for about half the price, so depends on budget and needs. MK3 is hands off I hit print and I get great things off the bed without fuss, it lets me know when filament runs out and pauses itself, it self levels it has a removable flexible bed, can’t say enough good things about it.
Prusa mk3s . After spent tons of money on my ender 3 upgrades I got my prusa, it’s like a new world.
I have been eyeing this ft-6. It has a 700mm print bed! My wife wants to get a laser engraver, I want a printer, figure I can get this and attach a laser head, win win.
Worried about support and quality though, more research needed
Such small aluminum bars might not give enough rigidity for such a tall structure
The duplicator 9 from Wanhao has a 400400400 volume if you want some big stuff
@taz if you fix your roads I’m entirely willing to come be your ward.
Ender3 here for bang-for-buck.
Prusa mk3 is pretty much my ideal printer though.
400x400 is a large surface as far as home 3d printers, but to meet her requirements I need to fit a decent size cutting board or plaque for engraving.
You have pneumatics.
Our roads keep it interesting.
I got 2 boards with pneumatics so drop in anytime.
How bad are Greek Roads in ur experience?
I have a RasPi 3 lying around and I ask myself, if I may install OctoPi for Octoprint.
Have you assembled your mk3 yourself or do you bought the assembled one? Made me thinking about the price difference.
I got the kit version and assembled it myself.