3D files / CAD request thread

@wandagoner, could you please move the discussion starting at the post below into the CAD request thread as it is related to part design and not 3D printing.


anybody have a 3d model of a v1.6/1.7 focbox single?


found one… haven’t checked dims yet, and it’s kind of a goofy file, but It may help…


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I could probably work on this. The profile isn’t super complicated.

Edit: LOL look at the dates you fucking moron @Davewesh :smiley:


https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4298965 :wink:


I never pulled it in to solidworks to try but someone mentioned it was a bit off. Have you made any clamps to test the hanger fit yet? Person could also just be a moron, no offense intended at all.


Hmm offcentre axle or the outline doesnt fit the matrix II trucks? No problem, could be that its a bit off. However, I printed some clamps from the profile and they fit nicely on my trucks could also be a clearance issue maybe. Will check the cad file again.

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I tested my gear drive clamps on that profile. its too tight


@Venom121212 @moon Just checked, the hanger profile is very close to the real thing, but if you want to use it directly for clamps you have to take the profile and offset it outward about 0.2mm or so thats what I did for the 3D printed clamps which fit snug on my hanger. Its the same if you have an axle and hole which are both exactly 10mm for example, you need to make the hole slightly larger than 10mm to get clearance for it to fit. Hope that helps :ok_hand:

EDIT: If I ever mill some clamps with the profile I will see if I can improve it and then update the model :love_you_gesture:


I’ll see if I still have these prints somewhere

I do remember extruding the profile of my clamp and offsetting it 0.05mm and then printing

The fit was godlike

The brake hole is also in the wrong position and a few other things.

Sorry for being harsh. I appreciate the model


Must be so satisfying if it fits perfectly :smirk:

No problem haha I never set out for it to be perfect

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Hope I didn’t throw it away now :sweat_smile:

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I threw away about 6kg of prototyping prints a few months back :joy: It was a huge bag, I wanted to recycle it but no way to do so, kindoff a shame of the filament. It was collected over 3 years though :crazy_face:

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Still got the print.

Whilst the the print is still not the same profile as the original Matrix 2 it would fit my gear drive perfectly along with Unik and Lacroix mounts:

With your profile I had to apply quite a lot of force for a clamp that has a loose fit on the original truck:

Featuring my favorite t-shirt which heavily inspired by my logo design :joy:

There’s more with kingpin and bushings but I can’t recall what’s wrong. Just remember that my measurements did not match the model.

So started from scratch, not exact copy though:

I have a carrier bag of stuff right now. Not going to throw it away :smiley:


Thats one nice fit you got there, some goals for me :joy: And the T-shirt is pretty great, you should get some moon t shirts made :wink:


Too many different sizes to stock :sweat_smile:

@Venom121212 :flushed:



Teach me :wink:

Also let me know if you figure out a nice way to make a perfectly formed enclosure based on CAD drawings of a deck. I can do it but its ghetto.


easy-peasy get the bottom profile and extrude/cut on a path defined by the longitudinal bottom profile…


How accurately do you guys think you could model a deck if you have the deck with you to take measurements?

Would it be Good enough so I could use that model to machine a recess that follows te concave or other curveball of the deck?

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Im going to have to check what I did last time

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I’ve been working on a mount for a buddies ATS Trucks. The mounting point was pretty much spot on.

The “style” liberties that I made with this were quite a bit off (It was to far “behind” the deck).

So with that, I would say that if you can measure it, its not hard to replicate accurately. THAT BEING SAID, id probably not do it for anyone in fear of doing it wrong and fucking something of theirs up or being even remotely responsible for it.

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