You don’t ride really hard or have many super powerful boards. You like one wheel drive, your limiting factor is grip.
Not the case for me. I’m going 30+ in Manhattan streets, I need to be able to, excuse my language, fucking stop when I need to stop. Gears give me the guarantee.
Belts are a valid drivetrain solution. Belts are awesome. But gears are not just a dick swinging thing.
I never noticed any kind of issue honestly. I know everyone talks about it but it seems pretty awesome to me. I think a ton of folks maybe have misaligned belts or belts that are too tight, but IDK because I’m not looking at their skate.
The ones I make just seem to fucking work. Well, not the first few. But the rest.
I have a dual 6374 on 12mm belts and it also stops well. Never noticed an issue, But after trying the bnm1, I have noticed the free roll on my belt boards is shit.
Only if the user just doesn’t understand how to set the gears right. POM is great. For thousands and thousands of miles actually. And more…
Or the one saying these weird and creepy kind of things just doesn’t understand them? Maybe had one bad experience because he/she just couldn’t figured it out or understand the system correctly? That’s a thing Brian.
You’re opinions are outdated and dangerous. You’re more than welcome to ask me how I know.
Gears=less parts=less things to break.
Gears=less fragile parts(belts)=less things to break.
Gears outlast belts.
Belts have a place. Covered belt drives are insanely superior to open ones, same goes for gears and chains though. Belts aren’t as loud, depending on the exact drives, may be easier to install, and, as Brian said, it’s a lot quicker of a fix on the street if one side stops working.
I don’t particularly like belts, they take up extra space, to make room for a consumable part. I’ve also consistently had issues with how braking behaves on belt drives. But there are applications where a belt board is better than a gear board.
That said, in most of those cases, I’d prefer a small, closed, chain drive, but I’m not concerned with sound.
I think the primary difference is whether you would rather maintainence be easy, or rare.