I’m in the process of building a new board. ATB setup with top box battery enclosure. Just wondering what people are using to house their components? Battery will be a 12s8p 18650.
Pictures, links etc all appreciated. It’s the last thing I need for me build and want it to be rather clean!
I’d be interested to see if anyone has used a regular enc just mounted upside down , I have a similar question, I can’t bring myself to use pelican style on a thane board
This is what I used from amazon. It’s a little over sized so 9P may have fit but it would have been a bit tighter than I really wanted.
12S smart BMS on the front of it. So you could also probably put a 13th row of cells in there if you moved the BMS ontop but I wanted to keep more room above incase I decided to put the ESC or other items in the lid.
Dude! What deck is that?! Loooks soooo niiicccee!!! Also sick skinz. Is this a @Sender job? Can’t wait to see this built.
Building an emtb myself atm, went bottom enclosure because I can’t bring myself to top mount lol (go with what you know). Been watching mtb builds closely lately.
It had some cosmetic damage on the nose but needed cut anyway so I sent it to Mike and Tim to work their magic. Certainly won’t get any bite on my gear drives now.
I thought it might be. Looks sharp as hell (no pun)! I’m gonna use a comp 95. Hopefully it’ll be a solid deck to build upon. Hadn’t considered needing to modify to prevent bite. Not using gears tho, so might help to make a difference… excited to see this whip in all its glory!! Any recommendations for the hubs? Mine came with twistars which I likely won’t implement. They have the pro version of the rockstar or 5star which I’m considering, but not sure if it’s necessary.
Sorry to derail the thread people!!