10S Battery Questions

There is a skill and an art to working with epoxy. Short list:

  • Only use a little bit at a time. Let it cure or at least get really stiff before applying more.
  • Use gravity as an Ally, not an Enemy.

But yeah running under the cell wrapper sounds scary af

Wasn’t that vruzend guy the one who @mmaner had a row with?
The famous ridiculous little boxes quote.

Really hope it wasn’t the nese guy

awkward lol

I actually like the nese for the simplicity and the fact you can pull a cell. Have to wait for Pestilence to finish with the world before any purchases though so cells are out the window for now.


He was promoted by Jehu and in my opinion, his kits are way overpriced for what they are.


So it’s doable, but probably would take way more time than what it’s worth.

You also REALLY DON’T want to use something like liquid metal (gallium) because that can cause all kinds of unwanted reactions inside the battery as the metal makes its way through the crystal structure of the anode and cathode.

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I remember that, good times :grin:

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It was vruzend then?

Thank fuck for that lol


It was jehu fucking up a vzerund kit.


Electrically conductive epoxy sounds like it will end in fire.

As far as how much damage welding does to cells i think any damage would show by doing discharge tests seeing how much energy is lost. Be pretty easy.

I made a compression pack using 3D printed parts, copper sheeting, and rubber bands. It worked well and had very low resistance but took a long time to assemble.

Just these parts and bands.thought was pretty cool. Can post the design n design for the press to form the copper. Actually ended with a more minimalist design that used thinner plastic n used a band for each cell


I will never forgive that man for electrifying a samba.

Needs shooting the guy.

Its a fucking 23.



I have no clue. All of those 3d printed battery module things are the same to me… Imminent failure, if you ride hard.


Thats the only thing that concerns me is the material. Think the concept is good but I do not trust printed components at all. Old fashioned maybe?



I just see too many issues, if any 1 thing broke it shifted it could case a short/discharge that would likely be catastrophic. I’ll just weld mine.


I am going to bond my 4p modules to the enclosure with a flexible adhesive. Do some reinforcing here and there. I will do a thread when I eventually get round to it. As I said I like the concept but there is room for improvement for sure.

I will call the thread.

“Mike apostrophe s ridiculous little boxes”


Most likely because their expected use case is commuter ebike battery.


If you carefully apply the epoxy, let it cure, then apply clearweld over the joints and between cells, it will hold up.

Just probably isn’t worth the time.


Don’t forget the apostrophe.




NESE guy had a little “dance” in the past with mmaner. Jehu did not liked Vruzend but did like NESE.
And for the scares, if my solderless would broke, it would fall apart as nothing is bonded. If spotwelded pack would brake, you can expect some fireworks :smiley:
Just sayin. People have thousands of miles on NESE.


I will be able to comment fully once I give this set up the once over. I do like the concept.

Sorry to bring up old battles.

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All long forgotten and with new forum, new start. I just wish people (mmaner and others) would not be so assertive judging something without even trying.
Some guys 3D printed boat props from various materials and i was 100% sure that ABS will be at the top after PC when in fact wood PLA would hold better than ABS. Who knew? Its a proper torture test of 3D printing.
Here is the vid:

Pack is as 39.3
Each cell is 3.27