With boosted being dissolved I’m willing to pay a boosted engineer so if anyone knows someone who is willing to provide the source code /can bus ic² required to allow third-party battery BMS systems for boosted boards.
Just wire into parallel after the bms exit wires…
For dead packs. Or red lights of death.
I’m talking about removing the boosted battery completely. Battery and module. But think the remote would cease since the 2.4 is inside the BMS/ battery
I bet ya someone who used to work at boosted could use $1000.
anybody familiar with which IC the boosted BMS operates? I doubt it’s something proprietary
Now that Lime owns boosted and their IP etc, who apparently also have access to the now closed headquarters, sharing such in exchange for pay may be criminal. ?
I spoke with the EE who designed the BMS for the V3 XR battery, he said there were only 4-5 people globally with the software and codes to even access the firmware on boards. Not even tier-1 contract manufacturers had the ability to plug in and debug.
I suspect that number is near zero now that the whole gang has been broken up. You’ll probably have to wait until Lime publicly offers it up, or hack your way in.
but I doubt they custom designed an IC, likely they used one from TI and designed the BMS using that?
I’ll look right now
This is a v1 a123 board
It’s not the BMS portion.
Boosted has 5 wires
Vcc -/+
Then 3 comm wires
I tried to sniff them
But it’s slightly above my pay level
If it was as easy as adding a 470ohm between the wires it would have been done already
Pretty sure the remote connects to the BMS as well
Hey Kevin I recently shorted something on my V1 bms and would love to see if I could buy one of your old bms boards!
I searched everywhere online and cannot find a KLGB7 diode anywhere! (I assume that’s what this is at d19)
You’re going to have to text him.
Think you might find what you need here
I unfortunately don’t have the Boosted stuff anymore - sold it a while ago
Frankly, if anyone was able and willing to do this, they would probably just do it and then make waaaaay more than a grand at it. That said I hope it gets cracked, my ol boosted hardware ain’t gonna live forever.
i just posted some CANbus data on the other site, i’ll post what i figure out which will probably be an arduino program and a little board you can build to reactivate your boosted boards. Thanks to mikegeezy for posting his CANbus log!
electric-skateboard dot builders/t/wanted-dead-boosted-board-battery-management-system-v1-preferred-but-i-would-try-v2/57828/50
message ID 0B57ED01 and 0B57ED02 are uncertain so far, but they contain analog values and I don’t know what they mean. I’m looking those over and i’ll post again when i get more info.
message ID 0B57ED03 comes ten times per second, first this data: 000000000F00FF00 then this data ten times (one seconds worth): 00000000271C0000 then this for the rest of the log: DBBC1000271C0057
message ID 0B57ED04 says this once: 46FA00007D043A00 and then this one second later and every second after that: 550057007D043A00
message ID 0B57ED05 says this once per second C50F130000000000
message ID 0B57ED81 is an incrementing heartbeat 4 times per second, unknown if it repeats because your log ends at 19 and it hasn’t wrapped around. A longer log will tell us what it counts to before restarting, probably FF which is 255 which is about 63 seconds: 0100000000000000 0200000000000000 0300000000000000 … and so on.
I’m glad to see this thread revived with sniffing happening.
I tried to do a cell replacement on a boosted pack once, fuck that noise. I’ve never seen so much plastic and tiny screws. WTF. It was like dealing with a hellraiser cube.
Mine is a boosted V1 i think, and the screws weren’t that many - just at the perimeter. But the white silicone glue was intense and if the batteries had not been at 0.0v (not sure why that was) I wouldn’t have been comfortable taking it apart, because of the forces i had to employ to undo the screws.
It seems clear that we should design a 3D-printable holder for 18650’s and a circuit board with a BMS and CANbus transciever to replace the original battery entirely. I know how to do this but I don’t think i’ll do all the work myself, so lets see if anyone wants to pitch in something like the enclosure
It would be so cool for this info to eventually surface somehow. I’m sure there are quite a few older Boosted Boards in the wild which would be brought back to life if this would be known.
I’m in the same boat, working to revive an old V1 and for now I’m just rebuilding the original pack.
Theoretical questions: if the boosted BMS and/or ESC goes bad, the only way to get the board working is replace everything? BMS, ESC, remote?
Safe to assume there’s no way to pair the boosted remote with any other (v)ESC/BMS combo, right?
Motors are standard(ish), those would work with other electronics, right?
You can get a thing called an amnesia chip that piggy backs onto the bms and tricks it into working again. Assuming you have fixed whatever it was that caused the bms to shut down in the first place.