@zhanzhan any update on making this happen? I think most people are going to see this as a fringe project until it becomes compatible with the main VESC branch.
yes when I put v6c in production I will think about it.
Beautiful design, I volonteer as tester
It looks amazing the thermal will be great.
I second a mirrored version. These look too nice to cover up,
but wiring two wouldn’t look right with they way the connections are situated.
hmm misunderstanding there I think, I didn’t mean clear cover, I meant reversed layout
Very cool, i like where this is going.
This is how i benchmark my stuff, you can do the same if you choose
Run a 80A openloop at 3000erpm with a 40V input voltage (your 30V should be fine) no external heatsink, no airflow. Just the pcba and it’s own heatsink. Run and time it from 30deg until thermal cutoff start (80 deg)
Make sure to welcome people to the shop
yes. will do this later.
No misunderstanding. I was talking about reverse layout as well.
If these were buried in an enclosure it wouldn’t matter as much where the connections were.
You wouldn’t see them anyway, but if they were exposed on a mount the connections wouldn’t look uniform IMO.
lol oh ok, I don’t care about seeing them, just fitting them in the smallest space possible
If he had a mirrored pair I would just mount them exposed.
They look sweet with the cases and of course cooling would be better.
Prob still gonna order a couple either way
70a and 80a load tests. no airflow and extra heatsink
under 80a it takes 2min to trigger OTP
under 70a it takes 3min to trigger OTP
Nicely done, that is aligned with our results with those fets
Any thoughts on restocking? I’d like to buy a couple.
definitely. see you guys in July.
ZESC to rescue! (Now that the other has fallen off the radar)
I’m doing final tests. Although the current version is ready for production, I am still trying to find bugs and fix them. I won’t let you guys down.
Any updates?
thank you for your reply. yes I am doing final test and prepare for the production. basically, I will make 50 units for you.guys to test. if my design is proved, I will make more.