shipping from california? dem import duties to EU wont be very favourable
Any chance there is an onboard IMU?
is imu necessary? many v6 user don’t know what imu is.
For esk8 users no, but for the balance app users it is a big selling point. We are a small group but we are growing.
The chat room i created has 47 people in it, not a massive profit for you at the moment, but if it had an IMU i know a few people would be interested. Currently only the trampa has an IMU, and it is very expensive. Soon the cheap focer v2 will have an IMU so a lot of us are planning on building those. The stormcore will have an imu as well, but it is also unreleased.
Most people are running an external IMU which uses the tx/rx lines for I2c, this means we can’t add a bluetooth module and is a bummer.
But you’re not wrong, most users don’t want an IMU.
Definatly need the IMU, we got auto wheelie feature beeing implemented.
actually I had already finished the design with imu and adjustable current filter. I haven’t release it because it needs more
layers and is more expensive. I will release later.
I’d try one out but import fees from US is a dealbreaker for me
I ordered aluminum housing several days ago. don’t know when it will arrive.
Clicked the link ebay says they are no longer for sale. Was there a problem? I
f not I was interested in two when you get the aluminum cases
Hi! I just update the link. Now it should be working. Due to covid-19, I have no ideal when the aluminum case will arrive. I will keep you guys updated.
Ok thank you
How long until you release the pro?
sweet cases man, and solid price point
have you forked, adapted, and tested the latest v5.x firmware on your esc? or have you made pull requests to incorporate compatibility with your devices into the master firmware repo? sorry if this was already asked and answered but i missed it
Alright going to give these guys a shot
I tried fw5.1 yesterday. it just worked. before I do further test, I will keep 4.02 on git.
thanks for letting us know. will there be a new ebay listing for the pro, or are you planning on adding it as a “type” option soon?
I need to do more tests to check its thermal performance.