ZESC v6c vesc variant

@Trampa @DerelictRobot we’ve got a live one lol.


what u are saying?


Ruh roh. Gonna be good. I’ll save some reading tomorrow during some downtime at work. Play nice fellas. :grin:


I’m asking if you could describe the exact obstacle preventing you from placing the code in a public git repository within the next 24 hours.


I won’t even touch on the specific licensure/legality aspect right now.

However if you’ve found time to develop/sell a product, you can certainly find the time to read, understand, and comply with the very generous and simple terms of the OS GPL license.

To disrespect this is to disrespect the only obligation and expectation required of you when using GPL software.


The software is FREE with one tiny and minor thing you must do in order to use it for FREE. If you choose not to do that thing, feel free to pay an engineer several hundred thousand dollars to rewrite new software.

It’s a pretty easy choice.

The GPL license benefits everyone, and that includes you, us, other people, every person it benefits. All 7 billion of us.

It literally costs you no money and takes less than 5 minutes to put the source code in a public git repository.

Also, it’s the law. It’s not so much up for negotiation.


Lol give him some rest. He have not even sold one yet and he told he will upload it.


It takes a lot less time to comply with the GPL than it does to take product photography and make a product listing/thread.

I think people are being fair but stern on this- this is something that everyone needs to respect, especially those that benefit from said GPL license (which I think you yourself would qualify).

There’s zero reason to not follow through and comply with this; any professional business should make this a priority if they want to benefit from open source technologies.


Haha, Jeff, that’s a good one👌
Yet I would also recommend you to stay out of other vendors threads unless you are asked to clarify something.


I agree. But we are not talking about Jason that keeps doing it for years and ignore it. Its just a guy that made it and told he would upload it very soon.


please reply in English thanks.

If he could explain the obstacle that is preventing him then I could feel more understanding. It is quite literally 5-10 minutes time to make an account and upload code and respect the license. Something more difficult I can understand takes time, but we all need to follow the rules laid out especially when it is this easy.

I also don’t like the concept of leaning into covid19 as an excuse to not release code, this doesn’t make sense to me. But maybe there is some explanation that makes more sense that I can’t think of. @zhanzhan hasn’t elaborated.


I don’t think I need to explain to you. its my privacy. by the way it’s online now.

Is this the version that is shipping with this controller?

Lame response to a highly-respected guy. You’re handling this poorly.


lmao say goodbye to any chance of being taken seriously as a vendor here


I have my own difficulty which I don’t want u know. I stay up late to upload the code. I think it’s good enough.


Its not about being good enough. We all fight and disagree here. Ask 10 people a question and you will get 10 different answers but one thing that is not up for debate is that the VESC firmware gets uploaded to github. No if and buts. Yet, your attitude seems to be that we are inconveniencing you just for the hell of it.


I hope you’re ok in this difficult period we’re all in. We just ask for a little more transparency on your part, to be at least more trusted in this community - for example - where you will you be shipping your zesc from? Many here are just battle-worn from opaque vendor behaviour - key indicators that business will be taken elsewhere.


I checked

it doesn’t say when to make public. I my mind as long as I make it public it’s fine. if u guys have any idea please let know.