Yours Truly | Switchblade 40" + eboosted Enc | N.E.S.E. 12s4p | eLofty 58kv | Neptune15 | Go-FOC SV6 | 200A Antispark | Janux hubs

Update 2020-09-18


A Lesson in Balancing

In late August I was checking my BMS and found that my battery had fallen out of balance. I chronicled the process of bringing it back along with some thoughts on a root cause and some hard data here.

The Charging Stand

I wanted an easy way to store and charge YT. Requirements:

  • Minimal floor space
  • Charger can easily mount to stand, but can also be easily removed for travel charging
  • No metal on metal contact
  • Board is positioned so that charging port is easily accessible
  • Brake light fixture is protected from contact
  • Addition of spare (at a later time) will not impact the fit
  • Could balance well on its own as well as when loaded
  • Remote storage

I toyed around with different designs, eventually landing on a design using:

  • 2x2 wood pieces
  • Sunk holes to ensure no metal extended beyond the wood
  • Vinyl covered eye bolts (bent) with heat shrink on the bolt ends
  • 1/4" hardware for affixing the wood pieces to each other
  • Wood spools with spacers to affix the DC charger to the stand
  • S-hook for Remote storage
  • Soft pads to protect the floor and wall

Here’s the design:

And here’s the finished product:




The charging stand and balancing knowledge, as mentioned above.

Still need a spare…

You can check my thoughts from previous postings above, but I still need to get that spare hub in place.

What’s Next

  • Helmet light- I have a great idea here, working out the details now and will get back here to post more info soon.
  • Get spare hub and build as a quick swap spare
  • VESC: Bump absolute max and battery regen as per the note from @rusins above
  • VESC: Add additional low speed torque
  • Tear down, sand, and paint
  • Regrip


  • VESC: Add additional low speed torque