Yeah I hear the original was a few mms shorter. Regret getting a pack this big, don’t need all the range on it, but I guess that’s not a bad thing lmao
I haven’t had any stamina issues riding my board so far, but even riding for 2 hours like I have feels long.
6.5hrs moving time is insane!
I had to stop a total of four hours to charge batteries. So I did get to rest and snack.
Running 10s8p 35E in 2x stock Backfire packs.
I’m coming for the daily mileage record. I want to ride all the paths in Nashville in one day. I think there is 50-60miles that is accessible to me and another 30 miles of park roads. 9p of p42a pack upcoming. Will all depend on the charger I end up with for this build.
So far 42 miles in one day is my record on three charges. And right around 20 miles in one ride nursing throttle.
I feel like I’m very well of here
I only have a 1kwh pack however I get like 18wh/mile on my current setup so I get like an estimated 40-50miles on a single charge
Not really sure what’s making me so efficient
Light and wheels probably
I pull 21 wh/mile on my eovan wheels, about 24 to 30 on pnummies, and only 14 to 16 on urethane
bergs so yeah prob
and def light
We went 24 miles on that one ride to the bridge. You had one charge and nursing the throttle at the end.
40.9mi ≈ 65.8km
Highest logged ride, maybe a longer one, IDK but this is one of the longest if not the longest.
27 miles once, but that was analog.
why are you planning a board with 3x more range then? xd
Also, some helpful tips for long rides:
- Standing in the middle of the board is less fatiguing because there’s more flex.
- You can ride slow and stand on 1 foot while you stretch/spin your other foot’s ankle around your toes
- Don’t just stand still, carve around, do some dance moves, be active!
- Get skate shoes with a comfortable sole
cause my parents only let me charge while im next to it and overnight so i often dont get a chance to charge my board so i need lots of range for multiple days commuting
dancing is my thing
gonna get some good shoes currently skate in crocs
When I stop at red lights, if I stop at red lights, sometimes I get off the board and lift up each foot alternatively which helps get the blood flowing and reduce numb-back-foot before you step back on and go. That’s only an issue for me though on longboards. Shortboards for some reason don’t give me a numb back foot.
So you want it to take longer to charge? lmao
“So I built an 18s2p board so I could use a faster charger”
so when its fully charged i dont have to charge for 3 days straight
you shouldnt have used ‘an’ there im pretty sure (dunno why i picked up on that)
eighteen starts with a vowel, so “an” is correct
however its not about what letter it starts with its about pronunciation
i believe you wouldnt say it like that
maybe im wrong though
nope i stand corrected you are right the ay sound has ‘an’ before it
however the rule about a vowel is not true since you would say ‘a use’ not ‘an use’ and etc…
Sure, there are exceptions (mostly words beginning with the letter U that are pronounced as Yuu, such as “University”), but eighteen definitely starts with an “ey” sound