YoBis Bindings For Sale | EU

YoBis V3 bindings full set. 60euro + shipping
+PayPal fees if that’s your thing

Paint job isn’t great, but I don’t mind it lol. It’s epoxy with mica powder. It twas an experiment :grin:
Foam pads added for comfort.
I’ll be honest I don’t know how the foam pads will hold up over time. I know @Arzamenable made some cool leather ones for his but I don’t quite know how or with what. Wouldn’t surprise me if he hand sowed them himself using a tooth pick and boar hair :laughing:

I paid ~48euro just for the baseplates from David Bonde an eternity ago, it was a one off batch. It’s basically the only reason people don’t make YoBis Bindings, because the hardware it mostly custom unless you have the baseplate laser cut or milled.


Bump 50euro.