Got my xenith and my VX1 it worked good for the first test ride. Went home made some adjustments and tried to ride again a couple days later and when starting the board got some motor spin without remote input. Reinstalled the firmware with focbox ui and after with vesctool and I don’t get any signal from my remote ( re paired it every time and got the blue light from the receiver ok).
I remember there being LED activity when the throttle is used, so the error may be in the remote/receiver area.
I stopped using VX1s, personally. Far too many issues, disconnects, cut outs, etc. After 3 failed remotes I moved on. Couldn’t trust it anymore.
I’d recommend getting a different remote, at the very least for troubleshooting. Not the most cost effective, granted, but isolating where the issue is can be easier when you swap out a part.