Xenith with VX1 remote problem

My friends. First build, total noob.

Got my xenith and my VX1 it worked good for the first test ride. Went home made some adjustments and tried to ride again a couple days later and when starting the board got some motor spin without remote input. Reinstalled the firmware with focbox ui and after with vesctool and I don’t get any signal from my remote ( re paired it every time and got the blue light from the receiver ok).

Can anyone help me? Is this a faulty remote or recover?


BLE error means somethin not quite right in the bluetooth communication, right?

You using this remote via the ppm or uart port?

Looks like it’s in the PPM port.

I remember there being LED activity when the throttle is used, so the error may be in the remote/receiver area.

I stopped using VX1s, personally. Far too many issues, disconnects, cut outs, etc. After 3 failed remotes I moved on. Couldn’t trust it anymore.

I’d recommend getting a different remote, at the very least for troubleshooting. Not the most cost effective, granted, but isolating where the issue is can be easier when you swap out a part.


I have a similar issue - nightmare.

I feel your pain


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Ppm mode.

It appears when I shut down the board and kept the app open.

What remote did you get?

I went to a VX2, and while it’s not an amazing user experience, I haven’t had any actual issues.

The next build is using a Puck, but it’s not done yet. However I’ve built two boards for people using the Puck, and it’s pretty damn solid.

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